10. panic attacks??

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Hey guys I'm back....

No rants for today enjoy...

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It's a long chapter hn?

"I-i -i" she said

"Don't worry you can tell me"he said

"I take pills everyday cause cause...... If I didn't take pills so soo.. I started having panic attacks.." she said

"What??? When and how it started??" He asked

Now her patience broke and she started crying seeing her crying he make her sit onhis lap and said

" Plss pls don't cry it's feeling like thousand of needle are stabbing in my heart.." he said

" Tell me princess why did u get panic attacks hm? Bachpan se ya past?"he asked

" P-past..." She said

" It's because of me?" He said

She was silent but then suddenly started crying badly..

" Pls plss don't cry don't cry princess look here tell me what happened in the past?" He asked

"W-when when I see y--you.w- with i_sha I was broke and went away from there it was already 5pm when I le-leaved and I was just.... Just roaming here and there idk what I was doing I was lost.. and that day it was a-around 8- p-m I was roaming on road all al-alone when s-some boys started misbehaving w-with me . ...... Saying this she cried more and more

"Shh shh calm down" he said

" T-hen I tried to run b-but failed they were touching me bad-badly.. I was screaming for he-help t-they were forcing them on me b-but a a... A man came and saved me.. if th-that man didn't came that day th-they " she cried moreee

" I-i was badly injured and my clothes were all t-torned if the man wasn't there that D-Day maybe they rap--" before she can complete he said

" Shhh shhh shhh calm down princess calm down sorry I'm so sorry I was not there I'm sorry I hurt you I'm sorry " he said

She was just crying crying and crying...
Now heman was getting woried she was not stoping

" Princess see stop crying or u will regret the consequences later" he warned him

But she was still crying

" Ok so you are not stoping na you will regret now " he said

She looked at him with curious eyes but still crying

" W-what consequences" she asked

" Stop crying pls" he said

But again she started crying So he smashed his cold lips on her soft petal like lips deepansha was frozen at her placed but soon she gave in the kiss and started responding... It was getting deeper and passionate kiss soon when they were out of there breath they separated and put their heads to each other now deepansha was not crying ...she doesn't feel any disgust feeling with him she feel safe in his arms but suddenly the past came infront of her eyes her eyes were red by now

"Y-you you!!!! How howww dare u kiss me hn!!!??" She yelled at him

" Y-you love isha right!!?? Wh-why ! Don't you feel shamee you kissed two girls maybe moree!! I know I know isha has done lot to me b-but how how can u betray her hn??" She again yelled

And started crying badly and now he was numb to react

" You don't beleive me a little?" He asked

" NOOOO" she yelled

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