11. I'm soryy...

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Hey guys I'm back!! I hope you liked the previous chapter.. it was heart breaking right????

Some ppl are asking me some questions so let me answer them first then you can move to next chapter. And thank you for 7k readers ..

1.is this story contain any mature content? (Or smut)

Ans- no guys this story doesn't contain any mature content and I'm not confortable in writing it so it will not come in the story.. but you will like the story don't worry❤️

2. Do I have any Instagram account related to this story or I have planned to make one??

Ans- no I don't have any insta profile regarding this story and I'm not sure if I will make one because I know I will be not able to manage it I'm managing chapters so hardly and soon my exams are going to start and , I don't know if I will be able to post chapters or not but I will try my best and for now I don't have any plan to make the insta account maybe I will make as I'm not sure but will tell you all surely if I make ❤️

3.how many chapters this story will take?

Ans- I actually don't know even because I write short chapters which is not that long but I'm pretty sure it will cross 100+ chapter's... As they are short chapters

4. Does this story is worth reading??

Ans- guys I actually don't know but u can try maybe you will find starting chapters boring but soon it will become interesting for you so you can give it a chance❤️

Okay that all for today I Will answer another questions soon...

Enjoy the chapter..


It was morning around 9pm when the door opened

"Deepanshaaa " said gunika

Seeing the situation of her as she was still crying her face was red due to crying gunika became tensed and asked

" Oh my god what happened my gaaee??"

Seeing her she immediately hugged gunika

" I-i misunderstood him... I hurt him... I hurt him" saying this she cried more

" Calm down calm down!tell me whom you missunderstood and whom you hurted hm??" Gunika asked

Then after becoming calm deepansha told her the whole story o flashback that how he proposed her how she accepted and how isha make misunderstanding between them and how DEEPANSHA hurted him with her words ....

Firstly gunika was shocked...

" H-how can I compared him to the boys how can I slap him?? How can I hurt him why I didn't trust me" saying these last lines she again started crying she wasn't stopping

" Shhh calm down I'm feeling to kill that dayan!!how can she bloody women do this to you guys!!" Gunika said

" L-leave her pls plss plss call heman I want I want him plss" saying this she was crying and crying

Seeing her situation now gunika call kashish ,Gurveer,dhruv and told them the story they all were trying to console her but she was just crying and because of crying the whole night she was devasted no energy were left in her body due to which she became unconscious seeing her situation now they all were scared they called the doctor

" Don't worry I have gave her injection she is just unconscious she will get conscious in 2-3 hours but not let her think anything which make her tense or the situation will be worse

They all nodded

Dhruv ,Gurveer,gunika, kashish everyone were trying to contact heman but his phone was just switched off it's been 2 hours since deepanshaaa got unconscious and now they were just trying and trying to call him and finally he picked up

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