22.wedding functions...

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Heya sorry for late updates...

I will try to upload a chapter leaving a gap of 3-4 days..

Uploading long chapters not so long but... Pls adjust for sometime

Thankyou so much for crossing 22k+views.... Thankyou so much ❤️ literally I never dreamt we will reach to 21k? ❤️😭

Thankyou ❤️

Enjoy ✨

She was walking when she collided with someone..

By this sudden action a scream came out of her mouth,while she realise someone has put a hand on her mouth and dragged her towards the corner ,realising her eyes widened she look up to see the person and found him

"Shh it's me Jaan" he said smiling

he removed his hand from her mouth she immediately said actually whispering"wh-what are you doing here?"

" I was finding my soon-to be wife" he said making her blush they were aboug to kiss when they heard someone coughing

*Cough* *cough*

They were all their brother's, sisters and friends standing there with a teasy smile

" You guys continue we won't disturb you" preeti said with a teasy smile while everyone agreed

By now deepansha's face were all red and said "t-thats that's not what yoh are thinking"

"Hm we can see it by your face" kashish said and evryone started laughing

Suddenly heman held her from her waist and said "enough now don't bother us go away"

First they all laughed then dhruv said"come on guys they don't like us to bother them let's go" and again everyone laughed like manic...........


At evening

By now evryone was ready for the Sangeet only close friends,relative are joining the functions and marriage ,because deepansha and heman don't want a crowd ,so they only invited close friends and relatives,on the reception day evryone will be invited and it will be grand...

Deepansha was wearing a light colour lehenga,with a light makeup and jewellery,her hairs was beautifully dressup in a bun, few hair strands were coming out from the bun... Overall she was looking gorgeous...

She was sitting in her room all alone with the makeup artist doing final touches when they heard some knocks on the door it was none other than her friends and his sister's (gunika, kashish,preeti,anshika, priya)

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She was sitting in her room all alone with the makeup artist doing final touches when they heard some knocks on the door it was none other than her friends and his sister's (gunika, kashish,preeti,anshika, priya)

The makeup artist opened the door they only to see their reactions I got up and saw them getting shocked

" Bhabhi is it you!!???" Priya said almost yelled which made her worry about her look

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