Biff thith umff meff!

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Jimin is going to the high-rise apartment to get Sugar from Yoongi. Namjoon and the others swiftly pull off, taking Yuna and Agust to J Hope's sister's vacant apartment. Just as they turn a corner down the street, a large black van stops in front of the dilapidated apartment, and two men get out, Seok and his hired thug. As they creep to the front door, Seok motions for the man to be quiet.


Jimin arrives at the high-rise. "Do you want me to go in with you?" asks his bodyguard.

"No, I'm just going to get a toy from Yoongi. I'll be right back." With that, Jimin hurries inside the apartment building.

Jimin reaches the apartment and notices the door is cracked open. He leans close, listening to any sound of someone being there. He turns as he hears the door across the hall open. Mrs. Choi steps out.

"Are you looking for your friend Yoongi?" Jimin nods, and she motions him over.

"He came by here, and I saw him go in. That mean man, Seok was there, but he left. The sweet young man hasn't come out yet. I'm a little worried."

Jimin goes to the door and listens again. Mrs. Choi is glued to his side. He turns to her, places his finger over his lips, and she knows to be silent. He listens more intently to the muffled sounds, unable to make them out. Something crashes and breaks. Jimin peeks through the partially open door and sees Yoongi sprawled on the floor.

"MY GOD!" he shoves the door open and runs to Yoongi, who is trying to kick his way towards the door. His hands, feet, and mouth were duct-taped. Mrs. Choi gasps in horror and runs close to Jimin, kneeling beside the sweet young man.

"Is he alright?" biting her knuckle to keep from crying, she peers over his shoulder.

'My god, hyung, what happened?" Jimin is removing the tape from his feet and hands.

He hears Yoongi, "Biff thith umff meff!"

"Oh, sorry," Jimin starts pulling the tape off his mouth, "This may hurt." He quickly pulls the tape off.

"DAMMIT! What the fuck, Jimin?" Yoongi yells in pain, his hand going to his lips and the tender skin around them, his eyes going to Mrs. Choi's face. He blushes with embarrassment, "Um, sorry, Mrs. Choi."

"Don't you worry, sweetheart, that fucking bastard will pay for what he's done!"

Jimin and Yoongi stare at her in astonishment and amusement, then burst out laughing. Jimin and Mrs. Choi help Yoongi get up from the floor.

She smiles at him," I was married to a sailor. Hell, I've learned some pretty colorful words in my younger days. I don't get to use them much anymore." They join her in laughing.

He grabs Jimin by the shoulders, "Jinah, he's going after Jinah!"


Seok is pissed as he destroys what leftover furniture there is in the run-down apartment.

"What do we do now, boss?" his thug asks apprehensively, fully aware of his boss's violent temper. He loves it as long as it is never directed at him.

Seok stops mid-throw of a broken chair and turns to look at his thug. The man cringes and steps back, "I'm not going to hit you with this dumbshit." 

The man relaxes, and Seok drops the chair. "But it would feel terrific to do so." he grins wickedly before the thought of Jinah crosses his mind.

A malicious smile spreads across his face as he heads for the door, slamming it open. It hits the wall, the doorknob leaving a hole before it springs back to the door frame, barely missing the thug as he jumps through it.

Smirking, Seok says under his breath, "I know where you are, sweetheart." He starts running for the van, and his thug follows.  

Seok gleefully thinks, 'Your boys can't protect you now.' he starts the van and peels out, thinking of all the fun he is about to have.

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