Jimin's Little Agust

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Jimin asks again, "Is it true?" he points to the envelope Mark is holding. He can't believe what he read; he has to have time to let it sink in. He glances at Agust with paternal love and then looks back at Mark.

"Yes. It seems Yoongi, Mrs. Choi, and you are court-appointed guardians for Agust till he can be returned to his mother's care at her request and the judge's approval. She must have known something was going to happen that wouldn't allow her to take care of him. At least until this case is done in court and if Seok lives."

"So do I get to take Agust home with me then? Or do you think I should drop him off with Mrs. Choi?"

"Well, Jimin, her apartment is right across from Yuna's old one. The cops and investigators will be swarming all over that apartment. Not only concerning Yuna and Agust but Yoongi's assault as well. There will probably be people in and out all the time. Not even considering the media, who will likely show up looking for a story and harassing Mrs. Choi for gossip."

CPS Agent Penny says, "I think it would be in the child's best interest if he were to go home with you. He seems secure with you, Mr. Park."

"But we have none of his things other than what's in his little backpack." Jimin voices his concern, not sure what to do.

"I can take you by J Hope's sister's apartment, where they were moved, and you can pick up all his things there."

Jimin nods and looks at Agent Penny. "What about Mrs. Choi? How will she know? How will this work out?"

"I know she was already contacted by the court system concerning shared guardianship of Agust. I already have an agent going to move her to a temporary shelter until things calm down. That way, Agust can stay with her or you without worrying about all the adult drama."

Jimin has a great idea and smiles at Agent Penny: "Let her come and stay with us until she finds a new home. We have plenty of room, and Agust would love to have her stay, too." He looks at little Agust, smiling.

"Agust, Sugar, would you like to be with Mrs. Choi?"

Agust's little chin starts to quiver, and Jimin quickly adds, "She can stay with us, too. Is that okay with you?" Agust nods his head and holds Jimin's hand.

"Will mommy be gone a long time?" taken by surprise, Mark and Jimin realize that his little ears must have heard some of the conversation from earlier.

Mark kneels in front of Agust, "She has to stay where people will look out for her and help her be able to take care of you again."

Little Agust looks confused, and they can tell he is thinking things over. He knew that his mommy was in trouble for something, but he didn't understand what. After coming to the conclusion constructed in his little mind, he looked up at Mr. Jimin and said, "Is mommy in time out?"

Jimin and Mark cover their laughs at his cuteness, thinking his mommy is in time out, which isn't really that far from the truth. Agent Penny lets her giggle slip, but then she turns away and coughs.

Mark still, at Agust level tries to explain, "Yes, your mommy is in time out. But you can stay with Mr. Jimin, Yoongi and Mrs. Choi. How does that sound?"

"I wanna stay with my Mr. Jimin." Agust tightens his hold on Jimin's hand, and Jimin ruffles his hair with his free hand. 

Agust looks trustingly up at Jimin, who feels a lump form in his throat. He's becoming very used to being called Mr. Jimin.

"Okay, Agust, let's go get your stuff," Jimin says as he glances at Agent Penny, who nods.

"You can ride with me." She tells him.

After tucking Sugar in Jimin's pocket, leaving the plush cat's little head sticking out so he can breathe, Agust takes hold of her hand, too, and Jimin and Agent Penny walk to her car with Agust between them. 

Jimin is extremely worried about Jinah and wants to rush to the hospital, but little Agust needs to be taken care of. He knew Jinah was in good hands with the hospital staff, and Yoongi was there with her. He sighs, knowing he will have to wait to see her, but his little Agust needs him. He fondly smiles down at him as they reach Agent Penny's car.


Both ambulances pull up outside the emergency entrance of the hospital, one behind the other.

Seok is rushed in ahead of Jinah as he met the criteria of a higher level of trauma.

Yoongi stays by your side, holding your hand as they roll the gurney into the emergency room. Other than I love you's shared in the back of the ambulance the conversation ended when you loss consciousness, hyping Yoongi's worry and inflaming his anger against Seok. 


Yoongi is holding your hand in the ambulance, and he leans down to whisper in your ear. Not wanting the crew to hear him express such sensitive emotions, he says, "I love you; please come home."

With tears slowly cascading down your face, he wipes them away as you gather strength and tell him, "I love you too." 

Then things start to go dark. Your body begins responding to all that has happened to it by automatically retreating into the mind-numbing rest of unconsciousness. You try to stay awake but watch Yoongi's face slowly fade away as your lids close, and there is a slight flutter in your tummy.

 Your last conscious thought . . . 'Baby.'

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