Moving back into my childhood home...

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I grabbed my blanket as quickly as I could to cover my poor eyes from all the sunlight that had just violently hit my face seconds before a loud scream came


I ignored the frustrated girls screams and continued to pretend to be asleep. Just then, she grabbed my blanket and pulled it away, forcing me to have to play tug of war with her for it.

"YAH GIVE.IT.BACK" I said in between breaths while pulling on my blanket as hard as I could so that I could retrieve it and go to back to sleep but the girl was too strong and managed to snatch my pillow too while she was at it. She threw both on the floor then looked at me disgustedly

"I haven't seen a twin sister worse than you in my life, get your ass up and pack, we have an 11 hour flight to get on." Yujin said before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her

"Great. Just what I need at 6am in the morning"
I said yawning and heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

I take off my clothes and hop in the shower for 5 minutes before doing my hair and putting on my clothes to go downstairs

"Look who finally appeared out of their cave" my older brother said taking one glance at me and plopping himself on the couch

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"Look who finally appeared out of their cave" my older brother said taking one glance at me and plopping himself on the couch

There were bags, clothes, shoes, pyjamas and hairbrushes everywhere around the floor as I saw my father packing his whole life into suitcases.
"Do you guys really need all this stuff?" I questioned as my mother emerged from the kitchen, she seemed to be talking to some tall, young men with black suits on. My mother but them goodbye and shut the door behind them.

"What was that about" I shivered as I felt the cold atmosphere leave the room
"Oh nothing darling , just the landlords men" my mother smiled sweetly at me
I stopped briefly before saying confusedly
"But you own this house"

A cold aura enveloped me as my mother's ice cold stare pierced into my soul. I wished in that moment that I wasn't so curious and that I kept my question to myself. I hadn't seen my warm, kind-hearted mother like this in my whole entire life. Disturbing that intense eye contact, my phone sisters phone suddenly made a ding sound, of course I used that as an excuse to escape my mother.
My mother used that chance to also make everyone go upstairs and clean their rooms before we leave

Picking up the unknown numbers text message I said

Text messages :

Unknown person on the phone: Kim yujin, I heard you're coming back to Korea.

Eunji: who is this?

Unknown person: what do you mean? It's me seokhun... I called you on this number last week? YOU DIDNT SAVE MY NUMBER??

eunji: (pretending to be yujin) oh noooo of course i did, I just answered my phone without looking. Yeah, I'm coming back to Korea, Australia got pretty boring.

seokhun: it's been so long, almost 2 years since I last saw you. Can't wait to see you again babe.


eunji: can't wait to see you too!!

Just then yujin walked in and saw eunji
"Hey what are you doing with my phone" yujin reached out and grabbed her phone back from the hands of eunji

"YOU'RE DATING JOO SEOKH-" I screamed before yujin covered my mouth with her hand and looked at me shocked
She looked around and assessed the area to see if anyone was there. Seeing that nobody was downstairs, she turned to me

"Are you trying to let the whole family know????" She says in a whisper scream tone

"You and seokhoon can't be. You're seokkyung's BEST FRIEND."
I said still shocked from what I just saw

"SHUSH!!" She said signalling me to be quiet before looking around again

"Seokkyung knows" she whispered

"SHE KNEW BUT I DIDNT???" I screamed once again

"Knew what" my older brother came out of nowhere as me and yujin both looked at eachother and gave each other THE LOOK

"Nothing special oppa" yujin said as we both ran as fast as we could upstairs, thankful that we evaded that situation, and ready to debrief things and finally start a new life...


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