jealousy, jealousy started following me.

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Yujin's POV:

I was sorting out my things desperately looking for my charger
"AHA, here it is!!" I say happily because just seconds before I thought I left it in Australia"

"Ji?" I hear, knowing exactly who that is.
"kyung" eunji says back as I turn to look at the girl standing in the hallway.
Of course it was seokkyung, here to act like she's besties with my sister just to make me feel jealous.
She runs towards her hugging her tightly and completely ignoring my existence?
I felt a pang of jealousy as my body filled up in absolute rage and anger. The fact that they were together pissed me off more than you can imagine. Obviously eunji is naive and doesn't understand that seokkyung does ACTUALLY want to be her friend.

She continues to ignore the fact that I exist.
This is really annoying. Why does eunji always have to steal my Freinds? My things? My clothes? My shoes?.

"Fuck this I'm going to the house."
I said before taking my things up to the house

I know this chapter was super shorttttt but I HOPE U LIKED IT AND PLEASE VOTEEEE 💟💟

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