Its been long.

45 2 0

Timeskip 11 hours

I stepped out of the plane, feeling the air hit my face with a forceful impact, realising that I actually moved back. I'm actually starting a new life.

The car ride was pretty normal, I just stared out of the window the whole time and listened to some music on my headphones.
The car finally came to a stop revealing that we had arrived at the destination.
I stepped out of the vehicle widening my eyes.
When did Hera palace get this big? 
The large interior with the beautiful gold outside that stretched all the way to the top of the sky; possibly until heaven.
my thoughts were distracted by my mothers words , do these people ever let me live in peace?!

"Are you just going to stand there? Come inside Eunji" she said walking towards the entrance
I quickly grabbed my backpack and took a glance at the big, muscular security men carrying our bags.

I walked inside the Hera palace doors for the first time in almost 4 years, shocked at how big it had become. The fountain flowed gracefully with the beautiful exterior. But the most stunning thing of all was the large, grey angel stretched across the whole fountain. Her arms graciously spread, as though she was cradling a baby.
I've always been into art, it's just my parents who want me to be a doctor, boring right? I know.

"Ji?" I heard from behind me knowing that it meant only one thing
"Kyung?" I answered back seeing seokkyung standing in the hallway with a shocked expression
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming???" She spoke

My sister also turned to look at her.
She ran towards me and embraced me warmly
"I missed you!!!" She said to me. She stopped a for a second realising I didn't hug her back, then stopped hugging me and looked at me

"is there something wrong? Are you sick?" She said measuring my temperature like a doctor
"So you knew about seokhoon and yujin but didn't tell me?" I said through gritted teeth in a low whisper so that only her and me could hear it.

She looked at me softly and grabbed my hand
"I need to borrow her for a minute, may I?" She said looking at my brother for approval

"Take her forever and I'll pay you whatever you want" he replied unbothered
I glared at him as seokkyung brought us both to a corner where nobody could see us

"Eunji, I didn't tell you because the whole relationship made things worse with me and yujin, we don't even talk anymore." She whispered and put a singular finger on her lip signalling me to be quiet.

I took a glimpse of my sister behind the wall, feeling a weird aura coming from her. She was gazing at me and I felt... was this jealousy? Why would she be jealous of me and seokkyung being together?

"Ji!!!!" I heard again, confused because only seokkyung calls me that nickname
I turn around to see what i literally hated most about this place
"I missed you" minhyuk said mocking seokkyung and making the same facial expressions kyung was making the second before

"Look who's here making a grand entrance after so long" he says looking at me up and down and then approaching me

"You should just date me this time"
He says sarcastically
"I think you have fallen down and smacked your head on the pavement, so I'm going to act like I never heard that." I say smiling back sarcastically

His expression changed from a smirk to annoyed.
"Whatever." He said and went on his way
"It's good that you dealt with him because if you didn't, I would have." Seokkyung says cracking her fists

"I'll never like him anyways" I say rolling my eyes

Little did I know...


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