Getting ready for a long day

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SONG: some by bol4
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The light breeze hit my face as my the alarm on my phone annoyingly beeped.
"You seriously need to change my alarm sound, it's aggravating" I said to myself while yawning

The sun was still rising, I checked the time and it read 6:23. Time to get ready for school. Just then I realised-

"EUNJI YOUR UNIFORM IS HERE" my brother screamed from outside

"YAY" I quickly ran towards him and grabbed my uniform "thank you thank you thank you thank you oppaaaa" I say hugging him and grabbing the uniform from his hand while running back to my room and slamming the door

"What's up with her?" He turns to yujin in a confused face
"Why the fuck would you ask me that??" Yujin says while stomping to her room and slamming the door shut

"What's up with both of them???" He says in a confused tone

I pulled my school clothes out of the dry cleaning protective bag and examined it. It was so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. The red edges of the school blazer that matched the red and black pleated skirt with the striped tie.
I quickly tried it on and went to do my hair and makeup. I stared at myself in the mirror stunned. I hated my last school uniform and I love this one. I went through my shoe collection and decided to go for some simple black Chanel slingbacks.



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I went downstairs for breakfast after I had finished everything to see my whole family sitting there

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I went downstairs for breakfast after I had finished everything to see my whole family sitting there. I sat on the right of my mother next to my brother.

"Why are you guys all awake?" I said surprisedly
"We had to come and properly see our daughter off for her first day of highschool." My father says congratulating me
I look over at my sister who's wearing a different uniform than me
"Hey, are you not going to Cheong-a?" I say in a concerned tone

My mother signals me to stop before she turns to talk to me
"Well...miss Cheon said that you have a better chance at doing well in that school than yujin because as we know yujin has really low grades..." the atmosphere thickens and everyone else in the room turns quiet

"Thanks for that" yujin says slamming her fork down on the table and grabbing her bag before she left the door and slammed it shut

"That really wasn't necessary" my father says
"You're the reason she has bad grades, you go too easy on her"
She says looking at him and then looking away.

just then my phone made a ringing sound showing a text message from seokkyung


Seokkyung: hey girllll

eunji: HEYYY

seokkyung: I heard you're coming to Cheong-a??

Eunji: awww I wanted it to be a surprise who told you? :(

Seokkyung: I swear I'm going to murder that stupid minhyuk

Eunji: is he the one who told you??

Seokkyung: yeah but I'm so happy you're coming, u would have been stuck with ha eunbyeol and yoo jeni... ugh I hate them

Eunji: je-no isn't that bad but eunbyeol... she's something else...

Seokkyung: are you coming downstairs or whatttt girl we are going to be so late


Seokkyung: I'm giving you 10 minutes

End of messages

I turned to my parents & my brother and waved them goodbye

"I'll see you guys after school" I shouted before shutting the door and running to the elevator and pressing floor 1

A few floors later


We hugged eachother like we didn't see eachother just yesterday

"Are you ready for your first day?" Seokkyung says
I say back as we leave the doors of hera palace.


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