"What the fuck was that for?"

36 2 0

Eunji POV:

"Kyung I'll come to your house later, I'm kind of tired rn, gonna go upstairs and take a nap" I said smiling sweetly at her

We bid our goodbyes and I stepped into the large, golden glass elevator inspecting every inch of its interior before pressing level 98.  I have a stop to make before I go to my house. We used to live in the penthouse, until my father's company went bankrupt after someone died at the building site. The stock prices went down so quickly that we had to move countries. Luckily, Mr Joo helped my father's company start back up and now he has gained back his reputation, which means we get to move back to hera palace. My family is more powerful than most families at Hera palace which is why I'll definitely be accepted at Cheong-a Arts high school.

The elevator came to a stop showing the number 98 on it and its golden doors opened once more revealing ms cheon's house.
I took a deep breath before walking towards the door and knocking 3 times.

mr ha opened the door and looked at me
"What a surprise, eunji you should have told us you were coming" he said with a warm smile

"I'm here to talk to ms Cheon" I said with a fake smile trying to be as real as possible
"Of course,  come on in I'll call her for you" he said gesturing me to come inside before shutting the door and heading towards ms cheons room

I've always had a weird feeling about that man. I don't know what it is but his personality has never sat right with me.

"Eunji!! What a delight to have you back in Korea" ms Cheon said startling me because she came out of nowhere

"Hello eunbyeols mum" I said smiling back "I'm here to talk to you about something"

She sat down elegantly and postured herself towards me. Opposite to mr ha, i have always loved and felt good around ms Cheon, she just gives me motherly vibes and someone I can be comfortable around

"Well go ahead" she said actively listening
"I want to go to Cheong-a highschool. I know I'm a little bit late for the auditions - well, very late, but i think I can get in off pure talents" I replied hopefully crossing my fingers behind my back

"Eunji" she said with a serious face
I knew it was all over at that moment, I couldn't go to cheong-a, my dream Highschool. I can't go to school with my friends and I'd be stuck with some boring rich kids at an international school.

"Your name has been on acceptance list since you were born, of course you can come to Cheong-a"  she says with compassion and happiness in her tone
I couldn't believe my ears.
"But what about-"

"The uniform will be delivered to your house by 6am tomorrow, go get some sleep now, you don't want to be late on your first day"
She says smiling at me

"Thank you so much" I say standing up excitedly heading to the door
Before leaving I turn back to her one last time
"I promise I'll pass every subject and every exam, I won't let you down"

I closed the door softly and jumped out of excitement. Omg I'm going to cheong-a!! And I didn't even have to audition!!!!!

I stepped back into the elevator clicking floor 99 ready to tell my mother the good news.
The elevator dinged once again and I stepped out seeing big brown moving boxes and the apartment door wide open.
I walked in to see a very disturbing sight of seokhun and yujin kissing

"My poor eyes" I say standing infront of the pair as they break apart quickly
"Does anyone in this damn family ever knock???" Yujin says wiping seokhuns mouth full of lipstick

"Bye" he whispered before leaving and closing the door behind him.
She turned to me "well thanks for that."
"What did I do wrong" I said laughing lightly
She rolled her eyes at me before walking past me and bumping her shoulder on mine

"What the fuck was that for?" I say turning my body towards her
"If you're mad at me for walking in on you two kissing IN MY OWN HOUSE, then get a fucking room" I say walking away

"You always get your way don't you" she said.
I stopped in my tracks and turned around

"First you steal seokkyung from me and now you want to break me and seokhun up?"
She said in a disbelieving tone

"You better be joking" I say scoffing
"Seokkyung is OUR freind, you're the one who ruined your OWN friendship by dating HER BROTHER. Stop trying to find somebody to blame for your own mistakes and just take responsibility for your own actions yujin, you're acting like a child" I said waiting for her reply

"fuck you." She said walking aggressively to her room and slamming the door

"THATS NOT A WAY TO TALK TO YOUR OLDER SISTER" I screamed through the door

"YOURE OLDER BY TWO SECONDS" she screamed back

"STILL OLDER" I said walking away

this means war.


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