Our Future

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As I'm getting ready for school the next morning, I get a text from the counselor that says to meet her in her office when I get to school. I'm sure it's about test results. I rush to get dressed and head downstairs to grab a muffin and I see my father in the kitchen drinking his coffee. "Mila! I saw your test results. I just want you to know that I am so proud of you and whatever school you choose I will support you." I give him a hug and tell him, "Thank you, dad. I want to go to Yale and I already picked my major." "Really? Already? Well what is it?" "I've chosen to go into psychology." "I think that's wonderful, Mila! That will be perfect for you." "Thank you, but I have to get to school. The counselor said she wanted to talk to me this morning." "Okay, good luck." I head to school and enter the counselor's office. "So, this must be about my test scores," I ask her. "Yes but also something else. You had amazing test scores and many colleges want you. Let's discuss your options because I received four early acceptance letters for you this morning." "Four of them," I ask. "Yes, from Harvard, Dartmouth, Brown, and of course Yale." "Well of course. Yale is my first choice." "That's why I just wanted to discuss this with you before I sent in your acceptance letter." "Definitely. I want to go to Yale." "Okay, then I will go ahead and send in your acceptance letter to Yale. One more thing, I shouldn't tell you this, but Jace is my next appointment and I wanted to let him know that he also got an early acceptance to Yale." "Oh my God, he's going to be so trilled!" "Well, just make sure you let me tell him." "Of course, I won't say a word." I leave her office and run into Jace. "Hey, how did it go," he asks. "I got my early acceptance into Yale!" "Oh my God, babe! Are you serious? This is amazing." He gives me a kiss and a hug and says, "Well, she just called me into her office so I hope my news is just good as your's." "I hope so too. Let me know when you get out." I go to class knowing he is about to get the best news of his life. I send out a group text to tell everyone that I got my early acceptance letter to Yale. Everyone congratulates me and says they have a meeting with the counselor today as well. "Well I hope everyone has an early acceptance! If so, then we are all celebrating tonight," I say. Jace texts me privately and says, "Well babe, looks like we're going to have to start apartment hunting." "You got your early acceptance," I ask. "I did!" "Jace, that is amazing! I can't wait to start college with you and live together. This is going to be the most amazing four years of my life and I'm so excited to start this journey with you." "Don't get weirded out, but I already kind of started looking for places for us to live in." "You have?" "Yes because I had a feeling we would get into Yale. I have something that I want to show you after school if that's okay?" "Yes! I'd love to see what you found!" When I get home that afternoon, Jace, Candace, Noah, Brandi, John, Sarah, and Matthew are already at my house. "What a surprise! What is everyone doing here," I ask. "Great," Jace says, "now that we're all here, I've been doing a lot of research and I found a really nice contemporary-style house that has 7 bedrooms/7 bathrooms. It's two-stories with a great deck. NYU is only 66 miles away. Matthew, you can come on weekends and holidays. It's a huge place that we can all live in through college, that way we can stay together and all have our own space. Now I plan to put up the majority of the money, so I think it's only fair that I get the master bedroom, but the other bedrooms are just like the master one. If I pay $550,000, you guys would just have to pay me $4,000. What does everyone think?" "I think this is a great idea," I exclaim. Noah says, "This is an amazing idea. You just saved us from having to look for an apartment and a house is better than an apartment." "Are we all are in agreement because I have an appointment to meet the realtor but I wanted to run it by everyone first," Jace asks. "Let's do it! I think it'll be fun," says Candace. "Oh my God, we're all going to be living together through college. This is going to be amazing," I say. All the girls get up and hug each other. I go over to Jace and give him a kiss. "Did you do this for me," I ask him. "I did. You need your friends through college, not just me. I'm so happy that we both got into Yale. Noah, you'll have to commute." Noah looks at Candace and says, "No, I was going to talk to the counselor and change my primary to school to Yale any way. This works out perfect. Candace, I don't want to have to commute to see you and Yale is a great school. I'm going to talk to her tomorrow." Candace kisses Noah and asks, "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to change everything just for me." "I'm changing it for me. I want to go to Yale. I'll have a better chance going to Yale," Noah says. This is going to be the best four years of our lives. We all celebrate and then pile up in the SUV to take a look at the house that Jace found. We find the address and oh my God it's amazingly huge. From the view out front, we see two patios and a six car garage. It looks like a pool is out back. "Can we just all agree that this will not be a party house," I ask. "Yeah, this will definitely not turn into a party house," Brandi agrees. The realtor shows up and says, "Oh wow, looks like we have everyone here! Will all of you be moving in?" Jace says, "Yes, we're all Yale students so it's the perfect distance away and it's big enough for all of us." "That's great. I wish that I had a group a friends that I could have lived with through college. You're all lucky," she says. "We're very lucky," I say. We ask if we can go inside and take a look around so she unlocks the door for us. We all do our own exploring. Jace takes me up stairs to show me the rooms. "Babe, I can't believe you did all this for me. It's perfect," I tell him. "I would do anything for you and this will make our college experience even better. We get to share it with our closest friends." We meet the realtor back downstairs and she asks, "Will you by buying it today?" Jace says, "Yes, I have the check for $550,000 right here. You guys can just pay me back." Everyone agrees on the purchase as the realtor takes the check. "I'll just head over to the office and start all of the paperwork. I'll give you a call when it's all ready to sign. Is it just going into your name," the realtor asks Jace. "No, it will go in all of our names." "Are you sure? You're putting up the majority of it," John asks. "I'm sure. This is all of our house, not just mine, so it goes under all of our names." "Thank you, Jace. We all owe you big time," Brandi says. "It's really no problem. All of you guys have become like family and it would be great to have us all together through college and even after. I know we'll all thrive, we just have to push each other to stay focused and we already do that. Thank you guys for seeing a different side of me and accepting me as your friend." "Aww now Jace is being all mushy," Candace says. "Shut up and group hug," Jace laughs. We all give a group hug before heading to hangout at Jace's house. Our phones all chime at the same time and see that we have a text from the headmistress saying that acceptance emails will be going out today. "Okay, nobody get nervous. Let's all head to Jace's house and wait for emails," I say. Candace checks her email first and screams, "Yes, I got into Yale!" We all cheer and say our congrats. Sarah's phone goes off and she got her acceptance email. We sit around at Jace's house waiting for everyone else to get their emails. Brandi's phone goes off and she got her acceptance email too. Jace says, "That's it, I'm getting the champaign." Matthew's phone goes off and he says, "I have two emails; one from NYU and one from Yale. I got accepted into both. I applied to NYU and Yale because I didn't think I would get into Yale but holy shit I got into Yale." Sarah runs to Matthew and says, "We are going to the same school!" "Yes babe, we are going to the same school," he says as he kisses her. I'm so happy for them. John and Noah's phones both go off at the same time and they both get their acceptance. We all jump up and down. "Oh my god, we're all going to Yale next year! This is amazing! I can't believe we all did it! Now that we all got in, let's talk about our majors. What's everyone going for," I ask everyone. "I'm going to med school," Jace says. Sarah says, "Same for me. I'm going to med school." Candace and John are both going for law school. Matthew is going for computer science. Noah says he's going to be a writer. Brandi is going to be a surgeon. "I'm going to be a Psychologist," I tell everyone. "That's awesome. I can see you helping people that need it," Sarah says. "Hey, I have a great idea. Before we start college, I think we should take a summer trip," Jace says. "That sounds great, but where would we go," I ask. "I think we should take a 60 day Caribbean cruise. Will everyone be able to go? If so, I'll get started on planning," he says. Everyone agrees on the trip and we have another thing to be excited about. We all say our goodbyes and Jace asks me to stay with him tonight. "What about your parents," I ask. "They're out of town for the night," he says. We head upstairs and I put on his favorite T-shirt and get into his bed. I think I'm ready to give myself to Jace completely. He gets in bed with me and I start to kiss him, and I mean really kissing him. He kisses me back passionately. I take off his shirt and he takes off mine and asks, "Are you sure about this? Are you sure that you're ready?" "I've never been more sure about anything more in my life." He begins kissing me down my body and removes my panties. I remove his pants and ask him if he has a condom. He pulls one out and I put it on for him. He gets on top of me and kisses up my chest and all over my neck. Slowly and gently he puts himself inside of me. "I love you, Mila," he says. "I love you too, Jace." He pushes in and out of me until we both finish at the same time. He lays on top of me for a few minutes, kissing me and telling me how much he loves me. "This was completely perfect. Being with you is absolutely perfect," I tell him. "You are perfect. Making love to you is the best feeling in the world and I never want to have sex with anyone else for the rest of my life." "Good because you aren't allowed to have sex with anyone else but me." "I am completely okay with that. You're all that I need Mila, forever and always." We both fall asleep in each others arms. It's the most romantic and perfect night. I'm glad we waited and I picked tonight to give myself to him. I love him more than anything else. Jace is my soul mate.

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