Chapter 8: Don't you remember me?

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Time: 2:23 am (10 days later)

(Balloon's PoV)










Ugh my head hurts, where's dad? Did that weird object knock me out? I slowly got up on a well made bed and looked to left side to see a cheese block object sleeping there. I got up to look for dad. I know he didn't treat me good but he's the only one I know.

I walked around the place so many doors where there with names that I didn't know. Who's Trophy? And who is Tissues? I heard a ding noise and looked where it came from. I saw a red hand fan walk out the medal sliding doors and looked shocked when he saw me.

"B-Balloon?" How does he know my name?? "Umm yeah?" I sounded so pathetic dad would be disappointed in me. "Balloon!" He said more happy and even looked more happy. "I'm sorry who are you?"

"It's me Fan, your friend?" He seemed he was trying to get something out of me. "Sorry doesn't ring a bell." He seemed sad as if he lost someone. He turned around walked into the medal doors.

I walked to the room I came from and layed down on the bed I woke up on. I felt the softness that the air mattress my dad got me didn't make me feel. I started to doze off but I reminded myself what dad will do if I sleep.

I just looked at the pure black rectangle on a stand in front of me. I wonder who that was. I got up waiting for when dad would just barge into the room he was in at any moment.

Why isn't dad coming?

Time Skip: 7:36 am

I woke up. I fell asleep god I'm stupid. I slowly got up and covered my eyes from sun light. I looked over and saw the cheese block was still sleeping. He does look familiar. I opened the door and walked to....... Stairs?

I walked down the stairs all the way down and walked out and saw so many objects in one place. Most of them gave me a side eyes and some of them looked shocked to see me. I was able to get away from most of them and walked into a empty room.

Well I won't call this place empty there is some...... Plane white rectangles on wooden stands for it. I walked over and sat down by a some what big box. I looked inside it and saw, a picture? But it was last night this took place.

 I looked inside it and saw, a picture? But it was last night this took place

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I just looked mainly on how my dad looked in it. Angry either at the weird object or me. Then I heard the door open, it was Fan he went over to where a seat was and sat on it. He started to probably play something on his phone.

I would talk to him but I don't really know how to start conversations. I slowly made sure that he wouldn't notice me if I got up and I was able to get out but it took a little while then I expected.

I walked out with the picture in hand and walked to the fridge. I opened it and didn't grab anything other than grapes. I sat on the ground right by a chair. I started to eat some of the grapes but not all of them, I put the grapes back in the fridge when I was done.

I started to walk back to the stairs when I heard a voice come from behind me. "Hey Balloon boy!"

I looked at the voice and saw a lightbulb. "Um hi!" I said weakly. "What's wrong? Did you hit your head too hard?" Hit my head too hard? I don't remember hitting my head on anything.

"What do you mean? And also who are you?" The lightbulb stopped eating the cookie dough and said. "You hit your head on something I don't know what it is and y'know who I am."

"No I don't." She seemed a bit more shocked and then she left and I heard a ding after she left.







(Paintbrush's PoV)

I was just walking down the stairs because I usually take the elevator too much. I saw Balloon standing on the second to last step of the stairs looking like he was lost at Walmart.

Why is he just standing there?

Are you asking me?

Well I'm just asking myself and you.

I do know why he's standing there.

Why is he standing there? Can you tell me?

He doesn't know what's going on he just met Lightbulb for what he thinks is the first time and he'll think he met you for the first time too.



I looked at Balloon and walked down the stairs too the step he was on. "Why do you look so confused?" He looked at me or well with the only eye he had available to see out of. "I just met a lightbulb and she told me I hit my head but I don't know what's going on or where my dad or mom is, I'm just....... Scared."

"Hey it's ok to be scared, if you think that makes you weak it doesn't many of the people you think are fearless always hide the fear too appear stronger." Balloon looked at me and started to let tears come out of his eyes.

"Also I found this picture I don't know who took it or why they kept it in here but it's here." Balloon handed me a painting with him, I'm pretty sure a cop and a silver looking object in it.

"This isn't a picture, it's a painting." I say.

"What's a painting?" Balloon said pushing away the tears.

"A painting is basically something not taken exactly the same as the original thing but has a reference for it to be made or it can be something that happened and your just recreating it as a painting."

Balloon looked at me, a mixture of sad, scared and confused. He walked up to me and hugged me. "Thank you for telling me even though we just met."

I hugged Balloon back.

How did you know he wouldn't know me?

You always have to know your own son don't you?

Yeah you do.






New chapter and I have 700 by the time of posting this which WOW!

Anyways this has Balloon having amnesia like I made this story for.

But also if you couldn't tell the voice talking to Fan is a horrible liar but somehow Fan kinda believes him.

Anyways see ya soon Creatures!



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