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Jk:- * crying* YNA where are you baby please don't leave me .

Namjoon:- jungkook let's go it's getting dark.

Jk:- but hyung yn.

Namjoon:- we will inform police and take CCTv of this park ok let's go.

Jk:- *in mind* please come back baby .

Meanwhile at yn side

Mr choi :- where are you huh 😡

Boy1:- boss ! Boss ! We have a girl and we can sell her in good price*smirk*

Mr choi :-*smirk* oh where is she .

Boy2:- In the car boss .

Mr choi:- ok let's go*smirk*

( With this they come towards the car and see yn is sleeping cutely and Mr choi eyes darkened seeing her and he lick his lips and said).

Mr choi:-* smirk* no need to sell her I will keep her with me

Boy2:- but boss we also want money.

Mr choi:- * threw the suitcase on him* is this enough for you.

Boy1 :- thank you so much boss we will go now .

( With this Mr choi go towards car and take her in bridal style and make her sleep her on his bed and started at her lust).

Mr choi:- what a body baby you got so sexy *lick lips*

( In the meantime yn started to wake up and see she is in different room and started to get scared)

Yn:- where is kookie .

Mr choi:- oh baby you got up and you are in my house .

Yn:- I want to go kookies house * pout*

Mr choi:- no shut up and let me enjoy.

( Saying this he hover above her and pinned her hands in the head and here yn started to crying and he started kiss her on her neck )

Yn:- leave me kookie *crying*

Mr choi:- shut up you bitch let me enjoy.

( With this he started to squeeze her breast hard making her cry more and he torn her making her choke on her sob with this he was about to unclasp her bra suddenly gunshots can be heard mr choi get up and went to living room to know what happened )

Yn:- * sob* ko-ki-e wh-e-re a-re y-ou pl-ea-su sa-ve me .

Meanwhile in living room

Mr choi:- who the f#ck is this .


Mr choi :- who are you.

Jk:- * Growl* WHERE IS MY YN.

Mr choi:- * scared* wh-o a-re y-ou tal-ki-ng ab-out.


Taehyung:- tell us quickly or else you won't be able to see next sunrise.

Jimin:-*shout* JUNGKOOK and TAEHYUNG.

( Listening to his shout jungkook and taehyung goes towards him jimin points his finger towards straight and seeing where he is pointing his fingers both turned their and shocked to see the scene in front of them)

Jungkook:-*shout* YN .

( With this he run into the room and take her in his embrace )

Yn:-* sob* kookie pl-ea-su ta-ke me fr-om he-reu.

Jk:- shh baby I'm here right let's go.

( He make her wear his coat and Take her in bridal style and jungkook went to his mansion taking her in his arms)

Jimin:- and YOU ARE DEAD.

Mr choi:- * begging* please leave me I will never do that to anyone.

Taehyung:- no we have to torture you. And I don't think jungkook will leave you easily because you dare to touch what's his.

( They take him to basement and tied him to chair after they also went to mansion).

( Entering in the mansion jungkook about to go in his room before that black pink come and started asking questions)

Lisa :-*shocked* omg what happened to her .

Rose :- ommo yniee .

Jennie:- how did you find her.

Jisoo :- guys relax let her rest and jungkook will you tell us what happened.

Jungkook:- I will tell you afterwards first let me make her sleep.

Jisoo:- ok you go.

( Entering in the he made her laid down her on the bed and make her wear clothes).

Jungkook:- yniee baby how are you feeling.

Yn:-* crying* ko-ki-e he tou-ch-ed me he-reu* pointing at chest*

( Listening this his jaw clenched but first he have to console her after that he will deal with him)

Jk:- baby now I'm here no one gonna hurt you ok .

Yn:- * teary eyes* but kookie I feel disgusting pleasu remove it from me.

( Listening her words he felt like someone stabbed his heart with knife ).

MAFIA'S CUTE LOVE STORY Where stories live. Discover now