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( all come towards hospital worried for her and yoongi also getting treated
After 3 hours doctor come jk and other members went towards him and ask)

Jk:- doctor how is she ?

Namjoon:- is she ok right?

J hope:- nothing will happen to right.

Lisa :- please 🥺 save our little sister doctor.

Rose:- yes please.

Dr.:- wait let me speak.

Dr:- so her condition is critical so we want urgent blood for  her because we only have 1 bottle of blood but we want another one because she lost lots of blood so please arrange it fast.

Jk:- what is her blood group daughter.

Dr.:-' O 'negative please fast * saying this he left*

Jk:- let's call her parents yeah yes .

( Saying this he called her parents and they tell they will come in 10 minutes after sometime they come and yn /m started crying seeing her daughter like this and jk said)

Jk:- aunty uncle please give your blood to her she needs urgent* with teary eyes*

(Yn/m and yn/d gulp and look towards each other and yn/d act like he gets phone and talk and cut the call and say)

Yn/d:- I'm sorry we have to go it's urgent .

Jk:-* shocked* what? Work is important for you or your daughter.

( Yn /m and yn/d left from there making them angry)

Jimin:- how can a mother leave her daughter in this condition .

Taehyung:- yeah she is witch * pout*

Jk:- * crying* but hyung now how can I save my yn * sobbing hardly* ( all look towards him worriedly looking like this while crying for a girl  he never cry except when his parents death and now he is crying *

(Just then yoongi came from room and lock towards everyone with confusion and ask)

Suga:- what happened? Why are you crying jungkook?

Jk:-* look towards him with red eyes and say* Hyung yn she needs blood hyung but there is no blood .

Suga:- then call her parents they will come and give .

Jimin:- he call them Hyung but they left .

Suga:-* in disbelief* what the hell? How can they leave her in this situation * forming a first*

Suga:- btw what is her blood group?

Jk:-O negative hyung.

( Listening this Suga gets shocked and say)

Suga :- you pabo didn't you know I also have same blood group .

( All gets shocked and realised and jk say)

Jk:- yes hyung I didn't realise but now you are injured you can't give her blood .

Suga :- she is more important for me ok .

(Just then doctor came and said)

Dr:- did you arrange blood.

Suga:- yes doctor mine also same blood group take mine I will give blood .

Dr:- but .

Suga :-* death glare* do what I say .

( Dr. Gulp and nodded and Suga went inside to give her blood after sometime he come outside and sit beside jimin)

Jk:- hyung thank you so much 🥺

Suga:- she is also my sister so why are you saying th-* cutt off when he realises something*

Suga:- jungkook u said that her parents didn't give blood right.

Jk:- yes hyung why * confused*

Suga :- what if she is my sister min yn. .

( Listening this all widens their eyes and started to think and jk said)

Jk:- yes hyung it could be possible .

Suga :-* teary eyes* if she is my sister then I will be the .ost luckiest person in the world.

Jk:- yes hyung

( AFTER sometime Dr came and said)

Dr:- *smile* now she is out of danger and she is unconscious so after she wake up you can go and meet her * saying this he left*

( Jk look towards jungwon who is looking down and he sigh and look towards jimin Suga and taehyung )

Taehyung:- will you forgive him * whisper*

Jk:-* nodded* yes because he also didn't know that Mina kill our parents so I will not punish him Mina just use him for her benefit so why should we punish him .

Jk:- jungwon.

( Jungwon look towards jk and went towards him say )

Jungwon:-* feeling guilty* I'm so sorry hyung if you want you can punish me .

Jk:- no need there is no fault of you because she just uses you for her benefit so don't need to be sorry but don't do these type of things another time ok .

( Jungwon nodded and hug him and started crying in his arms while jungkook patting his head after sometime he stop and say)

Jungwon:- we should not leave that bitch Mina * burning eyes*

Jk:-* smirked* yes  now her hell is coming to her wait and watch Mina .

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