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At night:-

( Here jk is waiting for the cctv footage which he asked his bodyguard and he came )

Guard:- * now* boss this is the cctv footage of that night in which mam went out alone.

Jk:-* coldly* ok now you can go * guard left*

( Jk sit on sofa and open his laptop and started watching what happened that night with her and after watching whole video his eyes gets teary and blood boiled seeing how she  nearly about to get rape but before she gets raped she run away from there and fainted in his mansion and he see how yn is going outside taking her luggage but suddenly two boys came on her way blocking her and she asked what you want and after that two boys dragged her from but she kicked him on his 🌚 you know what I mean and tried to run away but unfortunately the other boy catch her slapped her hard making her lips bleed and she started to beg them to leave her but they didn't listen started beating her mercilessly and he torn her clothes making her cry more without thinking twice she bite him hard making him scream in pain and she ran away but two guys started to chase her and lastly she came at his mansion and fainted seeing this his blood boiled and call one of his bodyguard and say)

Jk:-*cold* I want that two bastard in my basement I am sending  their photo so I want them in my basement till tomorrow understand.

Guard:-* gulp* y-e-s boss.

( Saying this he cut call and started thinking deeply)

Jk:-* in mind* how dare them to touch what's mine? Now I will never leave my yniee? She is so innocent anyone can take advantage of her and tomorrow morning I have to tell this to Suga hyung and other hyungs also yesterday for now let's sleep.* Thinking this he laid on bed and close his eyes to sleep*


Yn:- oppa thank you shooo much for ice-cream.

Suga:-* smile* no need thanks and how are you feeling now .

Yn:-* frown* means?

Suga:- means I'm asking that now if your leg is it hurting or not.

Yn:-* pout* I don't know oppa because you carry me everywhere so I don't know it hurts or not.

Suga:- ok you want to walk .

Yn:- yesh I want to try.

Suga :- ok come I will help you.

Yn:- thank you meow meow oppa.

(He looks at her with a look 'what did you call me ')

Yn:-* nervously laugh* hehe 😁 common oppa I want to walku * trying to change topic*

Suga:- ok hold my hand * he forward his hand*

( She take his hand in her Hand and step her foot on floor but hiss and jump on bed and Suga frowned seeing her acting like this and ask)

Suga:- what happened princess?

Yn:-* pout* oppa noi I can't walk it hurts

Suga:- ok Leave it doctor said in 1 month it will heal.

Yn:- *pouting* hmm

Suga:- ok now let's sleep ok * yawning*

Yn:- ok oppa.

( Saying this he laid on bed and she also laid on bed and hug him but suddenly he remember jungkook words and say)

Suga:- baby tomorrow we are going to jungkook's house.

Yn:- why oppa

Suga:- why don't you want to go.

Yn:- no it's nothing like just asking.

Suga:- Don't know he said he want to talk something.

Yn:- after talking we will come here only right*Pout*

Suga:- yeah but why don't you want to go to your jungkook.

Yn:- I want to go but not now.

Suga:-* raise eyebrow* why and when you will go.

Yn:- after marriage I will go there.

Suga:-* eyes widened* after marriage u will go there.

Yn:- yeshu until then I will be with you only.

Suga:- why u want to stay here .

Yn:-* pout* I don't know oppa I like you so much and I feel like you are my real brother.

Suga:- I wish I would have been your brother but we are not real siblings but not less than real siblings right?

Yn:-* giggles* yes we are not less than real siblings .

Suga :- ok now enough talk let's sleep we have to go tomorrow at jungkook's house .

Yn:- yesh yesh good night 😴 * saying this she slept*

( He looks towards her and smile sadly)

Suga:- I wish you are my real sister but unfortunately u are not .

( Saying this he slept  and yn hug him tightly and sleep he also wrap his arms around her and slept like that)

(both brother and sister sleeping hugging each other)


??:- ahh this bitch Mina why is she not lifting my call  ahh * frustratingly he threw his phone and started to punch his punching bag *

??:- Jeon jungkook just wait and watch how will I snatch your all happiness like how you did to my family  hahaa * laughing*

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