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Sung Jin-Woo's POV

   Sigh, It's been so many years since peace returned on Earth and it's been so so....... so long since all the people I cherished slowly died in my watch.  Can't do anything but hold their hand until their last breath, slowly but surely torturing me for being so f*cking useless and powerless for them.

  I, Sung Jin-Woo, the Shadow Monarch who fought and killed all the other Monarchs to save the Earth and the people I love. I want to rest now, I want to rest now since everyone I know is already gone but what a cruel reality for me to be an immortal who can't die now.

  Standing on the tallest building, I watch those people who is busy on their own world, celebrating the Christmas with their loveones happily like there's no tomorrow. I can feel my shadow trying to comfort me but I don't think it can fill the hole in my heart. A part of my heart who die every time one of my kin and friends die on old age or accident.

  "My Liege, what are you're plan for this year" a question that seems to be always ask by Igris every Christmas.

  "I.....I don't know now" I honestly whisper not even knowing is he heard me.

  I can't remove my eyes to the bright street and those people who happily laughing. Ah, if Jin-Ah is only here, we might be drinking now or she will drag me to buy her something.

  "I found something, My liege" stop it Igris, I don't want to think or do anything right now or anymore. Yet....

  "What is it?" I answer now that I am looking at him. I hate it, I hate how those eyes look at me full of pity. I loathe it yet it comfort me knowing that I am allowed to feel like how my shadow can express their thoughts and feeling to me.

"I found that you can let your soul be reborn again, My liege" I almost laugh for what he said, almost forgetting the Cup of Reincarnation who allowed me to go back in time.

  "It will be another world for you, My Liege, I also looked for the dimension that you can reborn anytime so that you can start again my Liege" ah, so he want me to leave the Earth and start from the bottom.

It ....... If you really think about it, it is not that bad in fact it is the best solution in my case if only I can live with my memories with me if I will be reborn.

  "You will not forget anyone, My Liege, and we will always by your side. Your wish and will are our command." How can something so good be real, sigh, whatever  it will really not change anything now.

  For so long I tried to smile at Igris but my tears don't seem want to be ignored for this long. I silently let my tears flow while tiredly smiling to Igris that seems to understand my silent plead.

  He slowly walked to me until our forehead is touching and start muttering some unknown enchantment before I feel all my energy and power is slowly but surely fading to nothingness.

"We're waiting for you in your another life, My Liege" that is the last thing I heard from him before I lost my consciousness and let the darkness take me.


Someone's POV

  In the Continent of Dicathen, a vast darkness enveloped the once peaceful and bright sky thanks to the bright moon and stars who gave light in the dark night. This bring fear to all creature who saw it, knowing that something unknown is will be happening in the future. Either good or bad, no one will know until it hit them badly.

  Kingdom of Elenoir

"Something big will be happening in the future..." An old eleves whisper while watching the darkness move like it is alive and watching everyone

"Father ...... Should ....should we prepare for something worst?" An elves asked to the old one while worriedly staring at the dark sky.

  The old elves didn't answer not knowing the answer yet curious to what the future will bring for the next generation.

  "Just prepared for the worst, I can't feel evil but pure darkness to it. We don't know if some unknown creature are being born to this world that break the balance in our world" it bring more fear to their heart but what can they really do but wait.

  "Gosh, may the Gods have mercy to us" the king of elves whispered hugging the little baby to his chest, protecting it from unknown danger.

  In a small cabin, a woman elve are looking at the small bowl with water, watching someone born today full of darkness. Yet for unknown reason, she can't see what it looks like or what race or gender the powerfull being is.

  "What kind of monster are being born right now" she said with the voice full of fear for the being.

  As she watched the child be born in this world something unexpected happened, an ant, no....not only an ant but full of different monster are staring back at her with those piercing red eyes like they are giving her a warning....
Leave.....stop .....or it will be the last you will see

  She fearfully pushed the bowl, scared for her dear life.

  " the celestial protect us from that monster..........oh my Lord have mercy to us"

Kingdom of Sapin

  In the castle, the queen is giving birth the a twin. With the darkness that is looming at the Continent the king is anxiously waiting for his wife with his son that is worriedly looking for his father.

"Father, is mother will be alright?" He asked to his father.

  "Yes.....yes of course your mother will be alright with the twin" he answered and carry his son to sit him to his lap.

  "You should be strong.... Strong enough to protect your mother and siblings, son" the king said while staring at his son.

  Even he didn't understand what is happening, the prince nodded and brightly smiled to his father

  "Of course father, I will always protect them. You will also protect them too right father? Because you are strong and you're the king of the Sapin" He innocently said.

  The king interrupt before he can said anything to his son when the midwife came out the room with a small smile in her lips. It bring relief to the king who worriedly waiting for his wife and new born babies.

  "Congratulations my king, the queen give birth to a princess and prince" she said and let the king go inside that is followed by the prince who excitedly run to his mother.

   "You done a great job, my love" the king kiss the forehead of the queen that is exhausted for giving birth.

   A maid who is cleaning the babies carefully give the princess to the king who is waiting. He carry it carefully to his chest, protecting it to someone who wants to hurt his princess, he looked at her face and he smile warmly. Savouring the precious moment, the princess has a black hair and white porcelain skin and a small lips, a beautiful princess indeed.

  "Father, I also want to see my younger sister" the prince impatiently call his father who only laugh but let the prince look at the princess.

  "Your younger brother is also here" the queen slightly laugh to the excited child. Not caring about the darkness outside the castle. Just cherishing this wonderful moment for the family.

The queen carefully but full of love kiss to new born prince and warmly stared at the baby, a charcoal black hair, a snow white/ porcelain skin, pink small lips and long eyelashes. No doubt the baby will be an omega, the queen thought while looking at the baby.

  "What should be their name?" The king asked the queen who is sitting beside the queen and wrapping his arms to his wife's waist, hugging his wife and their new born babies.

"Kathyln little princess while for my little male should be Asiel Blue Glayder" the queen answered.

  "And it will be..." The king happily said and hugged his family.

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