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  "Have you got everything, dear?"

  "Yup, dress, sleepwear, shoes, everything. I got everything mom" I answered for the nth times since this morning.

  I swear she asked me so many times I can't count it anymore. Like hell I will forget something important and if ever I forget something I can order my shadows or even teleport to get it. Isn't it easier, so she really doesn't need to worry about anything.

"I got everything so don't worry, why don't you ask and check if Curtis and Kath have everything that they needed. Especially Curtis, he always forgets something that is important" sorry Curtis but I can't take it anymore.

  "To your knowledge, I got everything and checked it multiple times so I am confident that I have everything that I need." I glared at Curtis who is currently leaning to my door and I swear he is enjoying my misery.

He just tilted his head with that innocent smile like he doesn't have any idea why I am glaring at him.  I securely locked my luggage for the second time before trying to carry it. Of course, Curtis didn't let me carry it and instantly took it to my hand and carried it with his luggage.

"Stop pouting, I will buy what you want this time. Kath is already downstairs and it's already time to leave. " I ignored him and harshly left to join Kath.

  I regret not bringing more clothes and some unnecessary things just to make it heavier. I really hate him, sometimes. When I reach Kath who is reading some books, I wish it was a novel or fanfiction so I can borrow it if I feel like reading a romance or fiction.

"Oh look at you, so gorgeous my dear" I rolled my eyes when I heard dad.

"Please dad, I am always pretty no matter what I wear" seriously, at least he knows what beauty means.

"Yes yes, you are the most beautiful one I ever saw hahaha" he jokes.

  Well, I didn't say any more thankfully he immediately gets it. I am really grateful that my new family knew when I wanted silence or if I needed something by just my actions. We didn't wait so long before Mom and Curtis joined us.

Of course there are emotional goodbyes like we aren't going to see each other for years. They must have forgotten that we are allowed to visit our family every week or if there is an emergency. They reminded us to hold ourselves to the highest and that we must tell them if there is a problem.

  Gosh, for goodness sake, we are not that useless to tell our parents of our fight or if someone displeases us. I, at least, will fight in my own ways and make sure to never cross me anymore. Additionally, who is the foolish one to offend us in any possible one.

"If there is a crazy alpha who talks to you, remember that the alphas' weakness is between their legs" gosh, doesn't he ever feel embarrassed every time he talks about it.

  "Gosh dad, stop already." I annoyingly say while pushing Curtis inside the carriage so we can leave immediately.

"Remember that okay. Always follow Curtis so he can shoo those disgusting alpha"

"Curtis is also an alpha dad. Goodbye, we're going to be late" I hurriedly said to them while they are wiping their tears.

  Gosh, they are the king and queen Sapin yet they are crying like a child. They wave to us and for the last time we bid our last goodbyes. The carriage start to move so we sit properly to avoid losing balance because of the movement.

  "You know that they only care about you right." Curtis who is still waving to our parents.

"I know but it is still embarrassing hearing that... I'm too young to think about that kind of thing" I argue and fix my clothes.

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