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Seeing him again made me happy and worried. Staring at his bored and beautiful eyes brought the butterfly in my stomach that I only felt whenever I saw him. Am I happy? Yes, of course, I'm happy to see him but I can't help my worries knowing what kind of situation we are in.

He's attire make me want to hide him from the world. The black out fit that seems perfect and compliment his skin that make me want to kiss his skin. Those long eyelashes that make his looks seductive. oh there a remedy for my problem. But.....

What the hell does the member of the royal family do in a dungeon. What they are thinking on letting a f*cking omega, a soft and fragile omega go in the dungeon. No matter where you think it, the prince has a body just looking at him.

I understand that Prince Asiel is a powerful conjurer. Something that I can't deny since I saw and experienced it in person but still. He should be conscious of his position in this kingdom.

He's not only an omega but also a Prince that should be cherished and treasure not like this. Entering a high grade dungeon that is not only hard but also has an unknown beasts and monsters inside.

I watched him the moment we entered the dungeon. Making sure that he is fine and didn't get hurt. But the longer I watched him, I understood why the royal family let him go. With that skill yet still looking bored like this is nothing for him made me think again about what he really can do.

What is the limit of his ability, his shadow. Does he only have one or he can make as many as he wanted. How vast his mana and aura to sustain those powerful skills without getting tired even for a moment. What I felt in the auction is a very powerful creature that can kill anyone, massacre even.

But no matter how powerful you are, you can die easily. My heart almost stops when the Prince almost hits by that sting like thing. I hate myself for almost letting him get hurt for that kind of thing, it's not that hard to protect him but I let my guard down thinking that he can protect himself.

The heatwave came. I really tried to focus and glanced at him every second. Making sure that he's still fine and good, he has the mana and skills on protecting himself and Carl from the heatwave. What happened to Oliver is a tragic one but we can't stop and mourn for one person when we are in the dungeon.

I looked at him but he still looked calm but I can't help but wonder if he is really fine. I never heard that the princes and princess saw some die. So I am assuming that it is his first time seeing someone die yet I can't find any sadness or emotions on that beautiful eyes of his.

I want to ask if he's fine and give comfort since it is his first time seeing someone die. It's insightful but we can't do anything about that anymore. I'm glad he remains calm and we start moving forward. Trying to defeat this mana beast with the help of Prince Asiel before the next heatwave came.

That stupid Lucas dared to lose his wand in that time making me protect him. And he is so ungrateful that he still has the guts to act proudly. He's a nuisance yet he acts so highly for his own worth. I looked for Prince Asiel only to see a black shadow that was protecting him.

I was just going to go to check him when Samantha shouted full of terror. When we looked at their way, we found that Brald was losing one arm. We tried to heal and stop the bleeding when the Prince ordered to take Brald to him.

I don't know what's going on but I trust the Prince not to kill Brald since he didn't do anything to displease him. Carl followed his order and started helping Brald to walk Reginald who's unwilling yet support Brald to take him to Black.

What's the Prince planning, don't tell me he is also a healer. But no matter how much you heal someone, you can't bring his arm back. It will be his last dungeon raid and there's no guarantee if we will be alive this time.

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