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   For some reason, I feel like it is not the first time that I experience this kind of situation. Right, this is the reason why I hate helping Jin-Ah or someone when they are shopping. Why did I even forget it? The hell that I always avoiding when Jin-Ah have that smile on her face. It is the same aura and smile mother have the moment I woke up this morning.

  Btw, it's been a few days since that accident in dungeon happen. And it's been a hellish week for me after my last dungeon and as an expected they are so worried to me when they heard what happen. I almost burn Carl when I found out that the royal family know what happen inside the dungeon. What a great spy he is, I didn't even doubt his loyalty when he just stand there and make me do what I wanted.

  If I only knew that he will betraye in the end. I should had make his life a living hell when he is with me. Too bad, my family decided to free him from his job when he request it. His instinct is really good, he knows that I will make him pay for what he done and decided to quit being my tutor and trainer. What an @sshole.

  Nevertheless it made my family be more protective to me and practically forbide me from going outside even in the garden I need to have a guard to watch me. What a bothersome, the worst thing is they treat me like an incompetent and fragile that they baby me for a few days before I decided that enough is enough.

  I locked myself for a few days and secretly sneaking outside the palace and ta-da no body knew that I explore the market every night. Unfortunately, some guard caught me climbing the tree and you know what happen next.

  So frustrating, now, I need to be good and well mannered omega son. It's not like I am complaining but I am really complaining right now since it almost been a half of the day looking for clothes, dresses and whatnot. And my legs are already numb for how long I am standing and trying the clothes that they taken liking to.

  You're asking why I, the Shadow Monarch, is not verbally complaining to them. You see, remember the time when I agree to attend the Xyrus Academy. I thought it is only attending the academy and nothing more, how wrong I am.

  I forgot that it is a boarding school and the students need to stay there for how long. And like a normal family, the royal family want the best things for their treasured children. So here we are, mother buying me new clothes that I will going to use in Xyrus Academy.

  Another question, why Kathlyn and Curtis is not here? Well, those traitor secretly buy the things they wanted to take in the Academy and since they already have their thing mother didn't bother them anymore. Leaving me to my mother's mercy, if I can even call it mercy. Gosh it is the most hated activity that I can think right now.

  "Mother, d-don't you think it is enough?" I tried reasoning to my mother who is still looking at the navy blue tail coat.

"Hmm, I don't think so darling. We still need to buy your inner wear, night gown and so on. So many needed to buy and so little time to prepare." Gosh, someone, please someone free me from this torture.

  And just like God heard my prayers when someone knocked at the door. Father come inside and almost laugh at my pleading face that begging for saving. My mother cough slightly to catch my father's attention that make father look at her.

  "Hello darling, I am assuming that the meeting is finish since you are here" mom start and walk towards dad who is forcing a smile.

  "Yeah, we are planning how to we will tell the people about 'that'." Now, what is 'that' they are talking right now.

  "And what is 'that' thing, dad?" I asked curiously but I have a little guess what it is.

I forgot that my shadow also giving me all the reports that I needed to know about what is happening to our continent. Those creatures, although still scouting, are starting to get annoying.

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