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Arthur's POV

  The first time my eyes looked at him, I couldn't understand how someone as beautiful as him exists in this world. A waist - length sky dark hair like you are looking at the sky, those glowing red eyes, porcelain skin that look so soft if you touch it and those full kissable pink lips.

  Ah what I am even thinking, he's still a kid yet you can already see how beautiful like deity will he be in the future. I shouldn't think of any unapproachable thing about him, Arthur remembered that you are a grown up man and that is just a child.

  But just looking at him makes me lose my strength, making me worship his body and show him that he is the most beautiful creature in the whole world even though I know that many people already told him how beautiful he is.

  I already made a scene when they come and can't even remove my eyes on him. Please....please don't make him think that I am some pervert out there. Sigh, even said that I already know that he had a bad first impression on me.

We all sit and even though I want to have alcohol for a drink I don't think I can leave my seat beside him. I can see how those long eyelashes complement his eyes when trying to sleep, too bad he can't totally sleep on this occasion.

People start to raise their bid on every item that the auction offers, those swords are not even that remarkable and the king only once bid for one sword. I glance at the prince, this time he is looking at my way, Sylvie in specific. Guess even him got interested in my cute little bond. I tried my best to smile but it was a bit tense so I don't need to guess that I look like stupid right now.

The queen, noticing that Prince Asiel is looking at my way asked if everything is fine.

"Nothing, I just thought that it would be good if Tusk had a friend" what a nice and soft voice. He look again to my bond who is still hiding beside me, come on buddy. Make me at least look cool in front of this deity.

The queen pull the prince closer to her and patted his head before looking at the item in the auction again. I still smiled even I look stupid in front of him, well should I call it love at first sight.

"Ahem... Asiel something that catches your eyes?" The king asked while looking at him.
Prince Asiel just shrugged his shoulder.

I notice a small movement inside his cloak and have a glimpse of what inside. A black beast but I'm not sure what kind of beast the prince have with him.

I guess even he, the prince, needs some protection. Now that I am totally focusing my whole attention on him, he is elegant, beautiful, fragile and weak physically like a typical omega but when I look at his mana, it is a different case. I don't know if it is his mana beast or his own mana that is leaking inside this room but making sure that it is totally hidden.

  Something that surprised me, if I don't have a beast will, I might also not notice the vast mana that is very invisible to normal people. seems that someone is also hiding their own strength. The question is, does the royal family even know this hidden mana inside their child or does the prince even know of his own mana or ability.

It will be a huge commotion if others will find the prince. Focus on my own mind, I didn't notice that the auctions are already done and everyone is standing to leave the room when the sage whispers something to the king while giving me that creepy look. I don't have a good feeling about that guy.

"Ahem....I heard that you are looking for a sword, I'm guessing that you are good at it. My son, Curtis is also good at sword so you might take an interest in having a duel with him" the king start but I might have a guess on where this conversation will end and I don't like it.

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