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so zhanghao and hanbin started dating. it was not a shocker, but everyone was still surprised by how fast it took for them to confess.


bro when and how did yall even start dating

ikr?? i still dont know

it was mutual from the start!

what can i say
im a man of many charms

ya right 💀

my condolences.


u should be grateful u even pulled ZHANGHAO

the disrespect...

aww thanks but kids dont talk to hanbinnie like that :(

my hao <3


jiwoong homophobe era

I'm gay

i stand by the name of this gc

yall are sooo gay lol

ik damn well ur not talking TAERAE

im gonna turn HOMOPHOBIC bc of u guys


you might have thought that ricky was a confident person based on his interactions with gyuvin, right? if you told that to ricky, he would've laughed in your face. ricky was actually shy as hell. in the case of gyuvin... he wasn't really sure himself, but when he met gyuvin, they just kind of connected immediately. however, if it was a stranger, ricky was terribly introverted and almost never talked.

a similar situation happened today. gyuvin wasn't able to come to first period because of his basketball competition. despite having an injured hand, gyuvin convinced his coach to let him go as he wanted to "support his teammates", but really he just wanted to skip class. as the professor droned on and on, ricky was digging inside his bag looking for his favourite montblanc pen. other than realising that he had left it at home, he also realised another thing - he had to talk to a stranger.

taking a deep breath, he tapped the shoulder of the girl in front of him and started, "hey, could i borrow one of your pe-"

however, the girl very rudely interrupted him and said blankly, "i have a boyfriend." and turned back around.

startled, ricky drew his hand back, confused on how that had to do with him. okay... congrats? he thought. he ended up getting a pen from this other guy named haruto, so it was fine.

it wasn't fine. after class, he was getting his books from the locker when someone slammed the door shut loudly. that someone was some random jock leaning against the locker door. his name was sohyun? dohyun? ricky didn't remember.

"hey, kid." the slightly shorter man said, which made ricky stifle a laugh. "why did my girlfriend tell me that you were hitting on her, huh? you think this is funny?"

ricky sighed. "i was just asking for a p-"

"you dare talk back to me?"

"respectfully, i'm not interested in your girlfriend."

"do you even know who i am?" the jock yelled in his face, spit flying from his mouth.

"um... no?" ricky said.

"you-" the jock raised his hand to punch ricky across the face, who raised his own arm, ready to protect his beautiful face. can't let some rando mess up his mom's beautiful creation like that. but the fist never came. he opened his eyes.

"what's going on here?" gyuvin said, his hand gripping onto the jock's arm tightly.

the jock rolled his eyes. "this fucker here was flirting with my girlfriend-"

"you must be pretty insecure if you think asking for a pen means flirting. and you're right, ricky could easily pull your girlfriend. just look at him and then look at yourself, yeah?" gyuvin cut him off. the jock was left speechless as gyuvin pulled ricky away.

"you okay?" gyuvin asked, looking worried.

ricky smiled softly. "i could've handled that, you know."

gyuvin let out a laugh. "i know. you should've ran. who knows what would happen to your pretty face if that bastard actually hit you."

ricky blushed slightly. gyuvin helped him get his books and they walked to class together.

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