That damned toy shop.

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{Fidget's POV}

"Get the following. Tools, check." I put a check mark next to the word 'tools', "I got tools. Gears, double check. I got gears." Two check marks after 'gears', "Girl.." I put a check mark there and then I erase it, "No, didn't get girl. Uniforms, hehehe! I got plenty of uniforms!" I chuckle again before I hear a dog howling outside.

"Oh no, oh no! I gotta hide! I gotta hide!" I shove three British Royal Guard hats in my bag, "Ooh, I gotta hide!" I jump up to a higher shelf, and the list flutters away from me without me noticing. Like the latter, I didn't notice it... Yet.


{Florence's POV}

I watch as Basil jumps off Toby onto the ledge of a toy shop, I jump after him and Basil praises Toby, "Splendid job, Toby!" Olivia stands on Toby muzzle and holds her arms out towards Basil, I watch Basil roll his eyes and hold his arms out towards Olivia. Olivia jumps, but Basil has to lunge forward to catch her before something bad happens to her and he brings her close for just a second before putting her down. I couldn't help but laugh a little, it was the cutest thing I'd ever laid eyes on.

As Dawson is coming down to us, Toby starts growling at him again. Dawson tips his hat and before he can make a hasty jump, Toby deliberately sneezes, sending Dawson flying. I get out of his way but, of course, he rolls and ultimately bumps into Basil. He looks down at Dawson as I help him up and he looks over at Toby, "Now Toby.. Sit!" Toby doesn't listen. Basil marches towards him, and I notice Olivia following him. He tells Toby again, "Toby, sit." "Sit, Toby." Finally, Olivia gets him to sit. Basil glares at her out of the corner of his eye, "Good boy." He moves past Olivia, "If you'll excuse me.."

Olivia talks to Toby while I watch Basil hum to himself as he inspects the ledge and window. His humming slows when he notices something off about the one window. I notice a tiny hole in the window that Basil is staring at and he points at it triumphantly, "Ah-ha! Here is our friend's entrance." Dawson has some doubts, "But- But Basil, how could he fit through such a tiny.." "Observe, Doctor." He sticks one of Dawson's fingers into the hole, Dawson pulls his hand back, opening a secret door that Fidget used to get inside the library, "Basil, you astound me!"

Basil quickly shushes Dawson, him and I quickly climb into the library, I catch Olivia as she comes down from the window and as I look over my shoulder, I catch Basil looking at me with an almost unnoticeable smile on his face. He looks away when I catch him, however, so I couldn't tell what he was thinking about. I set Olivia down as Dawson comes into the toy shop and shuts the door, but I couldn't stop thinking about what thoughts might've been thought of behind those shining green eyes of his.

As me, Dawson, and Olivia walk through the toy store, Dawson bumps into a doll's leg and he tips his hat, "Ooh! I- I beg your pardon, I-" he stops talking once he looks up and sees how tall the doll is. Humans.. They confuse me, that doll looked like it wasn't to step on me. "Oh my.. Upon my word.. I've never seen so many toys.." Basil looks at us from behind the doll, "Behind any of which could lurk a bloodthirsty assassin! So please, Doctor, be very careful." I shake my head at his dramatics as he stealthily moves between toys and shadows. I guess I was smiling a little, because I heard Olivia whispering to Dawson and she stopped the second I looked at her.

After that, we used a ladder to climb to a higher shelf, I was behind Olivia and keeping an eye out for Fidget's ugly little self. As me, Basil, and Dawson creep down the shelf, we hear a sudden crashing noise behind us, and I instinctively clung onto Basil while Dawson leaped into Basil's arms. We looked behind us and, I couldn't hear this right, but Basil mumbled something like "Oh! What the dev.. Ooh!!"

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