We fought Ratigan on Big Ben and almost died. ...Again.

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{Big Ben.}

{Florence's POV}

I woke up first, I saw Basil knocked out next to me and I shook him gently, "Basil? Basil! Basil, wake up! Wake up!" After a minute or two of trying to wake up Basil, I hear him grumble a little and watch as he rubs the back of his neck, then stares in shock and amazement at the huge gears and cogs surrounding us. I noticed it before he did, but after we stood up, Ratigan was creeping up behind us and Olivia was trying to warn us. I turn around as Olivia takes Ratigan's hand off her mouth, "Basil, look out!" I try to move in front of Basil, but he turned around and got hit by Ratigan before I could.

Basil rolls and catches the ends of the rotating gear, I try helping him up as Ratigan goes to deliver a second blow. I hear Ratigan scream, and I saw that Olivia had bitten his hand. I got Basil back up on the gear and he seized the Professor's cape, tangling it between two gears. He drops Olivia to keep himself from strangling. As a result, he kicks her off the gear, and Basil noticed when she screamed in terror. If we didn't move soon, she would be killed..

Thinking quickly, Basil and I jump from the gear and onto a lever, which lifts up a chain towards her. The final keg is approaching Olivia as Basil and I get closer. She tries to flatten herself against the gear as Basil reaches his hand up. Basil seizes her arm just as the gears connect, and the two smile at each other as the chain continues to lift them to the top of the tower. I look at them with the most fondness, it was a kind gesture and I adored that for him.

Down below, I can see that Ratigan's eyes burn with rage, the blood coursing through him like a sea of lava through his veins. Gone was the egotistical gentleman I'd been acquainted with; in his place was the terrifying and dangerous monster he'd seen in the mirror all these years. He runs through and around the rolling metal hills of gears, his exquisitely distinct suit becoming torn and ragged like someone had just beat him half to Death's doorstop.

Outside, Olivia is tugging at Basil's coat and pointing to Dawson and her father, who were approaching. I couldn't not watch for Ratigan, however, as I could see him getting closer and closer. I was ready to distract however I could, even losing myself in the flames of his burning desire for I and Basil's faces to be on the newspaper with a headline about us dying a tragic death at his hand. Upon realising that Ratigan is coming fast, Basil lifts Olivia up in his arms, holding her out towards Mr Flaversham and Dawson.

Dawson is holding Mr Flaversham by his apron as the toymaker mouse is leaning forward as far as he can, trying to reach Olivia. Basil was desperate, I heard it in his voice, "Closer, Dawson! Closer!" I tried to urge Dawson and Mr Flaversham to come closer, but I knew I couldn't do much. I took Olivia from Basil and held her up as high as I could, and I made progress, but.. "Daddy, I can't reach! I can't reach!" Basil turns in time to see Ratigan leap forward to tackle him. I quickly get Olivia to Mr Flaversham and move out of the way, right as Ratigan and Basil go down the tower. I couldn't stand there and do nothing..

...So, I followed them down.

As I slid down the tower, I saw Basil trying to hold onto the tower, but I knew he couldn't, even after I'd gotten ahold of his hands. Ratigan and Basil separated for a moment as we fell down the face of the clock. Basil held onto me as best he could, and Ratigan grabbed Basil again as a way to make him let go of me. As we hit the hour hand, Basil and I landed close together, his upper body laying over the edge as I held onto the back his coat by the collar to keep him from falling down. I had to blink once or twice, it felt like I was shaken by my neck like that mouse in the Rat Trap just an hour ago.

{...It's hard to believe that just an hour ago, I was holding him by the coat because of a fight in a pub. Now, I'm holding him by the coat because the fight isn't in a pub, it's on the hour hand of the oldest clock known to mice and men alike.. I don't think I'll ever have a calm day again.}

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