The beginning of the end.

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{One week later, 221 1/2 Baker Street}

{Florence's POV}

After a week of resting and making Basil rest, him and I recovered physically from the fight on Big Ben. As for mentally, we've been working on that. In place of Ratigan's photograph on the fireplace {I destroyed that thing.}, a newspaper clipping with a picture of Basil, Dawson, and myself bowing before the Queen, with us being rewarded for our bravery, was sat there with the headline 'Queen Honours Detective'. The other headlines for different parts of the story were 'Queen Praises Detective Basil, Medal to be Given', and 'Time Runs Out for Ratigan', I adored reading that satisfying section.

Dawson was in awe, "To be thanked by the Queen herself.. How very thrilling, eh, Basil?" Basil places Ratigan's bell up on the mantle as a memory of this case, he kept his right arm around me. Olivia was ecstatic, "Oh Dr. Dawson, you were wonderful!" He chuckles bashfully, I smiled lovingly at the little girl. "Indeed." Mr Flaversham chimes in, he pulls out his pocket watch to check the time, "Oh my, we're late to catch our train!" He turns around and puts the pocket watch back in his pocket, "Come along, Olivia!" "Yes, father!"

She turns around and hugs Basil, "Goodbye, Basil." She sniffles, "I- I'll never forget you.." he leans down and puts his hands on her shoulders, smiling, "Nor I you, Miss.." He couldn't help but repeat the running gag one last time, "Miss Flangerhanger." Olivia stares at him for a moment, then shakes her head, a smile on her face. Dawson chuckles, "Whatever." She turns to me and smiles, "Goodbye, Miss Chamberlain!" I smiled at her, "Goodbye, darling.." Olivia walks over to the front door, and turns again. "Goodbye." She whispers, leaving afterwards.

I look up at Basil, and I see him sniffle, "Well.." I chuckle as he turns away, "Not a bad little girl, actually." "Certainly not, she's an angel." I look at Dawson, "Indeed." He sighs, "Well, it's time that I was on my way, too." He puts on his hat. "But, um.. But I thought.." Basil's trying to say something, I know that. Dawson continues as he does his jacket, "Well, the case is over. Mmm... Perhaps it's...well, perhaps it's best I found my own living quarters." "Oh, but Mister Dawson.." I try to say something, but I'm interrupted by a knock on the door. Basil scowls a little, "Oh, now who can that be?"

Dawson opens the door, and I see a beautiful lady mouse standing at the door. She was wearing a mostly green outfit, she had the most gorgeous blue eyes. She was clearly in search of help, "I- Is this the home of the famous Basil of Baker Street?" Dawson replies, "Indeed it is, Miss! You look as if you're in some trouble." She starts to cry, drying her eyes with a handkerchief, "Oh, I am! I am!" "Then, you've come to precisely the right place." Basil and I make our way over to them and Basil reveals to Dawson what he was going to say earlier, "Ah! Allow me to introduce my trusted associates, Miss Chamberlain and Dr. Dawson, with whom who I do all my cases."

I noticed the surprised expression on Dawson' face as Basil looked at him, "Isn't that right, Doctor?" "What? What?" He thinks for a moment, "Oh, yes. Yes! By all means." Him and Basil shake hands and I smile at the gesture, the sentimental moment lingers for a moment before Basil gets straight to business. "As you can see, Dawson and Flor, this young lady has just arrived from the Hampstead district and is troubled about the mysterious disappearance of an emerald ring missing from the third finger of her right hand. Now, tell me your story and, pray, be precise." Outside Basil's window, Toby has an ear lifted, nodding along with Basil's conclusion.

{From that time on, Basil, Dawson, and I were a close team. And over the years, we had many cases together. But I will always look back on that first in multiple years with the most fondness; my reunion and relationship with Basil of Baker Street... The Great Mouse Detective.}



The case was solved rather quickly, the ring was returned and I knew we wouldn't have another case for a short while now. I was sewing Basil's new coat and Basil and Dawson were talking over a cup of tea. I heard a knock at the door, so I put my project down and opened the door. No one was there, but a box with a purple envelope was set down on the doormat.

I brought the box inside, shutting the door behind me. After placing it down on Basil's chair, I opened it with a pair of scissors and put the letter on the table. The box contained three things; a journal, a note, and an amethyst pendant. I picked up the journal first, flipping through the pages. This book.. It was familiar. Basil came over and picked up the note, "'My journal, you might need this.' What in the..?" "There's more." I put the amethyst pendant necklace around my neck and put the box on the floor, picking up the purple letter and opening it.

The letter was written on coffee-stained paper, the paper itself was handmade and written on with a fountain pen with expensive black ink. The letter itself, however.. It was vague at least and cryptic at most.

"Dear Florence Chamberlain,

     It's been quite a long time since I've written to you last, but I saw your name in papers like I thought I would and figured I'd send it to Basil's flat instead of back to your house, seeing as America isn't your home anymore. Anyways, I hope to see you on Thursday evening, my shop isn't far from where you are and I'd like to catch up with you.

      I'd also like to see Basil and whoever the third mouse in the picture is with you, I haven't seen Basil in a while and I'm hoping to meet this third one so I can get a good feel of what's happening now. I can't help but think about how much different things must be now, and I want to see how you've been lately. I'm sure you'll be fine with seeing me, right?

                         Best regards, Juniper Schwartz"

"Juniper?" Basil says under his breath. I sighed with a small smile, "Yes, Basil, she's back.."

"...And I think she's here to stay this time."

{The end.}

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