Act 2, Scenes 1, 2 and 3: Family, Life and Love

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Luigi's standing by his baking station as he opens a letter.


We've attempted to reach out to you many times. There is an urgent matter we need to speak to you about. If we don't hear from you, we will require a hearing to settle the matter.

Please reach out at the earliest convenience.

Luigi rips the letter to shreds, leaving it on the ground, and walks away.

He's getting into his go-kart and driving through the streets when he sees him. Family, on a scooter of all things, hooking onto the back of the go-kart to keep up.

"Hello!" Family calls.

Luigi whips his head around, attempting to keep driving. "What the hell?"

"You've been waiting for me, haven't you?" Family challenges, and that's finally what gets Luigi to slam on the brakes and pull over, causing Family to crash to the ground.

After a moment, Family sits up. "You've been waiting for me?"

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you." Luigi seethes angrily.

"Then what else are you waiting for?" Family provokes. "I'm all ears."

Luigi's already shaking his head dismissively, so Family says, "What did I tell you? I'm a gift to everyone from the stars."

Now Luigi grabs him and slams him against a building wall. "I don't give a rat's ass about family. It's a death sentence!"

Then he really gets in Family's face and screams, "I Don't. Want. Your fucking. Gift.", then backs away, with the parting words of, "You're already gone.", as he gets back into his go-kart.

Only once Luigi has disappeared from sight does Caleb dare to look at the PI, camera out.

Desperate to not get grabbed again, Luigi parks his go-kart somewhere and tries to flag down a cab, and who should arrive but Life.

Once Luigi actually sees her, he sighs. "Really?", then asks, "You finally ready to bargain with me?"

"No, Luigi." Life replies. "I'm here to take your taxi with you."

As they keep trying to flag down a cab, Life says, "There's five frogs on a lily pad, one decides to jump off. How many are left?"

Luigi stares at her, "You're here to ask me a math problem?"

"No no. It's a life lesson. How many are there?" Life asks again.

"Four?" Luigi has no patience for whatever this is.

"Wrong answer." Life replies. "The answer is five."

The taxi finally shows up, so they both get in the back, while Life continues, "You see, the frog only decided he was going to jump off. I never said he did .""

"Huh." Luigi says, rolling his eyes. "Clever. A play on words about not just standing on the sidelines, and actually getting off your butt and out on the field. Why don't you knock it off and tell me what in the Underwhere it is you think you're doing here, huh? What's in it for you, talking to me?"

Life opens her mouth, but Luigi stops her, "No, don't bother. There's nothing you can say I haven't already heard. Every single quote, I know them all. 'Always alive in our hearts.' 'Death's just a reward for a life well-lived.' That's always a laugh. And who can forget this little ditty, 'Everything happens for a reason'."

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