part 1

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I woke up with a big ass head ache, I walk to my bathroom and feel the wall to turn the light on even tho I can't see with on but I like to feel like a regular 22 year old

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I woke up with a big ass head ache, I walk to my bathroom and feel the wall to turn the light on even tho I can't see with on but I like to feel like a regular 22 year old.

Oh my bad for being rude my name is jaya yes that Jaya the one thats a baker but is blind. Anyways I walk to my shower and turn the water to hot. Now you may be thinking how does she know what's hot and what's cold well I told the building manager and he got me an apartment with braille so I know what I'm doing.

You also might be thinking how is a 22 year old a senior in college the thing is I'm smart as hell and I turn my assignments in before the due date.

Once I'm done with my shower I put on my clothes and yes you guessed it they have braille.

Once I'm done with my shower I put on my clothes and yes you guessed it they have braille

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I walk to my kitchen and cook some bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I memorized the kitchen because I love cooking so I don't have braille in here.

Once I'm done eating I grab my bag and call my service dog baillie so she knows it's time to go. When I don't hear anything thing I turn only to run into the very dog I was calling. I forgot she follows me every where even when I'm not holding her harness.

"Hey girl come here so I can put you harness on ok" I say and she rubs my legs and walks in between my legs so that I know she following me.

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