part 6

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"Jamel the foods ready," I start clean up my mess after I plated his food

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"Jamel the foods ready," I start clean up my mess after I plated his food. "Where is your plate at sid you forget to make it or something?" He asks me then turns towards the stove.

"I will eat on my lunch break, I will be fine," i said ignoring the way my stomach growls but also has butterfly's.

"I will eat on my lunch break, I will be fine," i said ignoring the way my stomach growls but also has butterfly's

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I sensed him as he gets up coming over to me and buys his hands on the sink effectively trapping me in.

"Your going to eat with me so I know that you are fucking full" he whispers by my ear and puts a hand around my waist to guide me towards the table.

"I am fine I swear a little time never hurt anyone," I said and her sighs when my stomach lets out another grumble of protest.

"Why do you care, it's not like I'm starving or anything I'm just fine?!" I huff in his direction, y'know seeing as I can't see.

(A/N: hahah get it seeing and see... mhmmmh back to your regular schedule program😂)

"I care because you need all the strength you can get to be able to feed a person you also need 3 meals a day and snacks in between," he said and I shook my head as he continued to guide me to a seat.

When I say down I heard him fixing my plate until I felt a sense of warmth besides me.

"Ok you got a waffle, bacon, grits,sausage, and graps," he said and I smiled even tho I'm not going to eat the sausage because I don't like the way the grease tastes after a while.

"Umm can you give me my fork please?" I ask and open my hand "nope" he says and I frown "what you mean no" I say and mug his general direction.

"I'm finna dead you since you act like you can't eat breakfast," he said and put the fork to my mouth. I open just because he won't give me my fork.

'Sure' 'girl shut up damn just embarrassing' I replied back to my self conscience.

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Feeding her is getting me hard only because she is wrapping her lips around the fork and sucking the syrup of the fork

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Feeding her is getting me hard only because she is wrapping her lips around the fork and sucking the syrup of the fork.

"Stop being nasty," she said like she can read my thoughts "how did you know I'm thinking about something nasty," because I can feel you staring at me, and because the empty fork that I eat off of 5 minutes ago is still at my mouth," she smirks and licks her lips before getting up and continues to wash the dishes.

"Stop being nasty," she said like she can read my thoughts "how did you know I'm thinking about something nasty," because I can feel you staring at me, and because the empty fork that I eat off of 5 minutes ago is still at my mouth," she smirks an...

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"It time for dinner," she said walking in my office with baillie "you could have just texted me from downstairs instead of going up the stairs and almost busting you ass," I say I know I shouldn't have been rude but I'm grumpy from working all day which is also not her fault.

"Nigga I did I even called but you dumbass had you phone on dnd, so ima say it again the food is ready you dick head," she said and walked out.

I know she is hurt because I hear it in her tone, 'your a dick you that you hurt our beautifully made mate that which by the why we don't deserve hurt you dick,' draco said,went to his hidy hole and shut me out.

Walking down stairs I hear her humming but it stops when she hears me coming down. "Hear come eat," she says and places my plate on the island.

"Look I'm sorry I should've blown up on you like that I had a stressful day and I shouldn't have took it out on you," I say and she just hums.

'See what you did' draco said but I ignored him "just eat so I can clean up and go, she said and i mugged her "have you eaten yet," "that's nun of your concern your not my husband or boyfriend, or even friend, your just my boss so mind your business and eat,"

"You are my business literally," I say and go over to her "yeah, yeah whatever just eat."

I grab her by her waist and.......

To Be Continued


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Word count:709

Hey dont kill me..

Love JoJo ❤🖤💙

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