Part 15

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I wake up but I don't see or feel Jaya's presence in the room or the bathroom so I get up and brush my teeth before walking out to see her making breakfast

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I wake up but I don't see or feel Jaya's presence in the room or the bathroom so I get up and brush my teeth before walking out to see her making breakfast.

I smile and walk over to her and burying my face in her neck as my eyes change from light brown to the darkest of blacks.

I tell her a "good morning," and she mutters one back and moves her body to where she facing me, she wraps her hands around my neck and gets on her tippy toes to hug me.

She lets go after a few minutes and gets back to cooking and singing in her oh so lovely voice that could battle Beyoncé.

She finally gets done cooking and I pull out some foam plates and a plastic forks.

She finally gets done cooking and I pull out some foam plates and a plastic forks

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I walked over to the table and waited for her to sit down.

When she sat down I began feeding her and eating in between her bites.

We finally got done eating and I washed the dishes while she put the left overs in the fridge

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We finally got done eating and I washed the dishes while she put the left overs in the fridge.

"Are you coming to my house today or are you staying here." I ask and she puts one finger signaling that she wants to go to my house.

I smile and hug her. 'Let me come out' Draco says and I laugh letting him teak over my mind.

Hey my names Draco but it stands for Damon which means to conquer I know Draco doesn't make sense but I like to be called that so

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Hey my names Draco but it stands for Damon which means to conquer I know Draco doesn't make sense but I like to be called that so...


My voice changes to a deeper octave, my muscles get bigger, my dick gets bigger, and I get taller.

"Jamel why do you feel different?"

"Why are you talking about baby," I said and she shivered. "Why did your voice get deeper?" She asked and I smile.

I started to feel around her soul trying to find my inhuman mates.

I find one but the other one is being very stubborn and refuses to reveal herself to me.

I wrap my soul around her almost if I'm hugging her on the inside; her soul is so strong and soft at the same time it's so beautiful yet very peaceful and I just want to stay there forever but I know I can't so I snap out of it and let go of her souls every so gently.

Her soul reaches for mine but I move out of her reach.

"What was that? It felt like something touched my soul I think...I don't know it was weird but it felt good." She said almost questioning herself.

I smirk and pull her over to her couch. I sit down and pull her to sit on me before she can sit on the couch.

"We will leave on a few minutes but until the you must rest." I say and she shakes her head.

" but I'm not sleepy," she said the soul bonding will make her sleepy so I just wait until she's sleep to move her and gather the clothes she will need.


WORD count 426

Love JOJO ❤️🖤🤍

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