part 10

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I woke you to Jamel's head on my stomach and his body in between my thighs that were wrapped loosely around him

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I woke you to Jamel's head on my stomach and his body in between my thighs that were wrapped loosely around him.

I try to wiggle my way out of his grip so I can go pee "stop moving bruh," I smack my teeth and try to move again.

He sit his head up and I feel him mugging me "why is you moving?" He asks "I have to go pee," I whine and he finally lets me go.

I run to the bathroom that's in the theater room.

Time skip

When I got out of the bathroom I walk upstairs to the kitchen. "Come back so we can lay down," he says 'sexy ass morning voice', I think to myself and hear him chuckle "thank you," my eyes widen 'oh shit I said that out loud,' I think again "yeah you did," he said and picks me up.

"Where are we going," I say placing my face in his neck "back to sleep," he mumbles walking down to the theater room.

A/N she is still in college she just takes online courses.

I'm the one being woken up this time by jamel "wake up my love," he shakes me; "what do you want jamel," I mumble "I'm hungry," he says picking me up "take me to the kitchen," I groan

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I'm the one being woken up this time by jamel "wake up my love," he shakes me; "what do you want jamel," I mumble "I'm hungry," he says picking me up "take me to the kitchen," I groan.

He takes me to the kitchen and I make some. Cheese fries with bacon bits, a cheese sandwich with chicken tenders on the inside, and hot honey wings.

 Cheese fries with bacon bits, a cheese sandwich with chicken tenders on the inside, and hot honey wings

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When I get done I make him and I a player and walk to the theater room with him right behind me, making sure I dont bump into anything

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When I get done I make him and I a player and walk to the theater room with him right behind me, making sure I dont bump into anything.

When we get done eating I wash the dishes and do some homework then let baillie go in the back yard, from what I was told it was a big back yard and had space so baillie could get her zoomes out without failing in the pool.

When we get done eating I wash the dishes and do some homework then let baillie go in the back yard, from what I was told it was a big back yard and had space so baillie could get her zoomes out without failing in the pool

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I walk inside and bump onto a wall? "Baby I'm sorry I didn't know you were going to turn around," he said picking me up and kissing my cheek making me smile.

"Its ok what do you want to do today," I say and he snuggles closer to me "umm I want to spend time with you so if you need something we can go get it," he said.

"Can we go to the mall I need some things, and I can pay since your paying me to do nothing all day," "ok Whenever you are ready to go tell me," he said.

I nod and smile "can we take a nap first," I say "I thought you would never ask," he says as baillie comes back in and he closes the door.

We go up to his room and baillie sleeps in the dog house she has in her own room.

'Why a dog needs a room I will never know'.


Word count:489


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Love JoJo ❤🖤♊

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