Part 16

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I wake up and feel around, i sigh when I feel warm skin under my fingers

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I wake up and feel around, i sigh when I feel warm skin under my fingers.

'Hey girl' I hear someone in my head say oh shit I'm I going crazy, I am aren't I. I don't want to go to the crazy house and be in padded walls-

'Girl you're not going crazy I'm your dragon Nymeria which means warrior queen.

'But you can call me Meria,' she said and I started laughing. "What you laughing about baby," Jamel said pulling me closer into him on his lap and I shook my head laughing harder.

"I think I'm going insane but my because my brain just produced a personality in my brain," I say and burst out laughing.

I stop when I don't hear him doing the same "what is her name baby," he said and I cleared my throat "she says her name is Nymeria," I feel him bend down to my ear.

"Is it ok if me and Nymeria have a little chat my love," he whispers and I slowly nod.

I feel her ass getting fatter, her Brest getting heavier, and she gets a little bit taller I also feel her pussy get a little fatter

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I feel her ass getting fatter, her Brest getting heavier, and she gets a little bit taller I also feel her pussy get a little fatter.

She looks up at me and I see long scars across both of her eyes. "You're so handsome my love,"she says and I smile kissing over her scars.

"You are the most beautiful person in all my kingdoms," I say and she blushes softly putting her face in my neck.

I pull her face out of her neck and softly kiss her lips.

She kisses back and I bite her lips before letting go.

I feel myself coming back from being in the passenger seat of my mind and see nothing but darkness

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I feel myself coming back from being in the passenger seat of my mind and see nothing but darkness.

I got to see him when Nymeria was in charge of my mind and eyes.

"You are so handsome baby," I say touching his face.

"What dose this mean?"


Word count: 324

God is good

Had to post something before finals.

Love JoJo🖤🤍❤️

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