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defenestration/ˌdiːfɛnɪˈstreɪʃn,diːˌfɛnɪˈstreɪʃn/nounnoun: defenestration; plural noun: defenestrations1.the action of throwing someone out of a window."death by defenestration has a venerable history" 



















In which a girl finally manages to leave her friends and family behind in order to take the Hunter Exam, where she meets not one, but two people who might be just as strange as she is...












Cringe Alert!!!

I'm a very inexperienced writer and English is not my first language!!!

It is very likely to contain a lot of mistakes so please feel free to correct me!

This story will contain:



Mature language

Forming a cult

Self harm

Thoughts of suicide

Suicide attempts 

Illegal activity

Illegally adopting children

Verbal and physical abuse

Sexual references

I'll consider smut

This is my first time writing an actual fan fiction so please bear with me

I will try to upload chapters around 3-4 times a week

I hope you'll enjoy the story!

If you want to skip the backstory and ?boring? parts go to the middle of chapter 2. That is where the hunter exam starts.

- Author-chan~

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