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(Y/N) pov

I was woken up by the very annoying sound of my old alarm. I smashed my hand against it desperately trying to turn it off when I realized I accidentally broke it . That did make sense as it was older than time itself.

I was laying in bed now, unable to sleep when I suddenly remembered something; today is the day! Today is the day I was finally going to ask my parents to let me participate in the Hunter exam this year! 

I quickly rushed out of bed and ran to my wardrobe. After rummaging thru my clothes for a while I finally settled on (outfit of choice). 

I quickly combed my (h/l) (h/c) hair and ran to the bathroom before any of my sisters got to it. I brushed my teeth did my make up (if you don't wear make up ignore that part). I applied some concealer to my arm in order to cover up the scars from cutting and made my way downstairs.

There, to my surprise, I found my mother making breakfast in the kitchen and my father talking with my niece Clara. This was a rather unusual sight as my parents where often either busy with work, or sleeping. My mother is 59, turning 60 in august, and my father is 62, turning 63 in October. They were quite strict when I was a child, and still kind of are.

Mother was always childish and petty. Whenever I tried to talk to her about any of my problems regarding her, she would get mad and throw a fit while yelling at my crying self. Each and every time we talked she had this tone of voice like she's disappointed in me. 

I didn't talk to her often during my childhood years. It was usually when I trouble for something. Breaking a glass or getting a grade lower than a B for example. One time in 6th grade I got a C in Physics, and she did not take it well. She looked at my report card, sighed and walked off. Until the end of the year she had reminded me about it and pressured me to study by not letting me go anywhere until I had an A from every subject, and afterwards claimed she didn't care about my grades if I was a good person. I had been stuck in my room most days either crying or studying. And I finished middle school with perfect grades.

It was obvious that I had to be perfect in school and attend both elementary, middle school, high school And collage. Everyone in my family had so I should too. My parents where not fond of the idea of dangerous jobs, such as being a hunter or an assassin, so I knew they would hardly let me take the exam. I however had a few tricks up my sleeves.

My father didn't pressure me as much as my mom. He was never really the best student ever, and he didn't want to have grades higher than Bs so he wouldn't be called a nerd. He was capable of it, he just didn't care. He was usually on my side most of the time although he was rarely even home. I liked him a little better than my mom and most people say that I resemble him completely. He might even consider letting me go to the hunter exam. He was, after all, the one who secretly let me train with the assassin family that lived in our town. 

They were considered one of the best in the country and I was lucky to be very close friends with their two children. They have a daughter who went to school with me, named Kairi, and a son who was 7 years younger than us, Riku. I started training with them before Riku was born, around the time Kairi and me were 5 years old. It was really hard, but with her by my side I could survive anything; and I did. Her parents weren't as strict as mine, surprisingly, and always did their best to make sure our bodies could handle the intense training. 

 My niece Clara is 14, the same age as Riku, and is currently in 8th grade of middle school. Sadly not in the same school as Riku, as she and her mother live in York New city. She has long (h/c) hair and resembles me when I was her age, the only difference is that she has a nice and loving mother, my eldest sister Hiromi, who is 36 at the moment.

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