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I began walking towards my room. Opening the door, I saw it's the same as the last time I was here. It's a small white room with a queen sized bed in the left corner. There was a pull out bed underneath it, the height of it being adjustable. Both of the beds had plain black sheets on them. Above the beds were some white Christmas lights, which had a remote that could change their color and brightness.

 On the end of the bed, in the other corner was a closet, which had some of mine and Kairi's clothes, at least the ones we didn't bother bringing home. The color of the closet was a nice, milk white. It took up all the space between the bed and the wall. There was a small desk in the left corner of the room, above it a bookshelf. Between the bed and the desk was a door that led to the bathroom. Next to the desk was my guitar holder, my les paul on it while the amplifier was underneath it. On the free spaces next to the guitar were posters of my favorite bands and musicians.

Now, one might wonder how the room got so full for the short time me and Kairi spent in it. Well Kairi can, despite her manipulation nen, use conjuring abilities. She can conjure absolutely anything, with the restriction that she has to help other people with the stuff she conjures, and even tho the stuff she conjured didn't physically help anyone, she had made me satisfied and fulfilled my wishes, so that counts as well. 

The ability she uses as a manipulator is kind of mixed with conjuration. She summons a gas that no one but herself can see, and once her opponent has breathed in even a little amount of the gas, they completely submit to her. She can control where the gas goes, or how much of it there is. For example she could conjure up a tiny bit of the gas and manipulate it into her opponents airway, making them her puppets. The restriction of it is that she isn't immune to the gas it provides and will get paralyzed if she breathes it in.

Lilly jumped off my shoulder and curled up on the bed next to the pillow. I put my bag down next to the chair under the desk, and walked over to the closet. I had found a black turtleneck and some loose pants that could go over the pair of boots I had in the closet. I also found a couple of Kairi's short sleeve shirt that could go over the turtleneck. It was easy to move around in these clothes so it was good for the hunter exam. I suppose Kai wouldn't mind if I borrowed the stuff she has would she? I folded my outfit and put it on the bed before getting a towel. It was finally time to wash all this dirt off of me. Just as i opened the bathroom door, there was a knock on the other one, that led into the room. I groaned, setting my stuff on the washing machine before crawling my way to the door. Just to my luck, behind the door were Hisoka and his boyfriend Gittarackur.

"Hello my dearest fruit~ How interesting to see you have your own room here~ Mind sharing it~? You know how painful it would be to sleep on the floor don't you~?" Hisoka smirked leaning against the door frame. "Yes, yes I wou-" He cut me off "Great then~! Why don't we make our way inside then~? Seeing how my precious fruit was so kind to let us stay in  her room~" he turned around to look at his companion, who nodded in a robotic manner and proceeded to make his way into the room with Hisoka. I groaned in frustration once again "Fine, you two can stay here for the night. Just sit somewhere and get comfortable while I take a shower. I will make your bed once I get out." They both looked at me and nodded, sitting down on the bed. I sighed and turned to the door in the middle of the room, and got in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower.

Gittarackur/Illumi pov

Me and Hisoka were making our way to the dinning hall, where dinner would take place. The moment a smirk had made it's way to his face, I knew he had a plan, which I would most definitely dislike. "I have quite a wonderful idea~ Perhaps sleeping on the floor wouldn't be the most comfortable thing, would it~? What do you say we ask my little fruit to spend tonight with her~? I'm certain she wouldn't mind~ " I bluntly answered. "It is unnecessary to spend the night with her. We would't benefit from it. Do whatever you wish, but I have no need to" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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