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(Y/N)'s pov

After sitting in the corner for a while it seemed like there was around 400 people in this tunnel. I was looking around before I heard the elevator ring and saw a young boy who couldn't be older than 12 with green hair, a teenage boy with blonde hair, and some old man enter. I was surprised to see a kid so young here but then again applicant #99 who seemed oddly familiar was around the same age. They looked around and the green man, who I later learned is named Bean, came over to them and gave them their badges and probably told them to keep them with them at all times like he did with me.

Suddenly Tonpa yelled out "Haven't seen you guys around before" He's gonna try to pull the same thing he tried with me again isn't he?

"Yo" he greeted them

"You can tell we're new?" the green kid, who looked really adorable, replied.

I'm experiencing deja vu rn

"More or less, after all this will be my 35th attempt" 

Fuck this bitch he's trying to trick the kids.

"THIRTY FIVE TIMES?!" they all yelled in union.

"Well you could say I'm an exam veteran" fat bitch said while fake smiling.

"That isn't something to brag about" said the old man

"Indeed" continued the blonde boy

"If you have any questions feel free to ask me" fake ass bitch I have a question can I shove and umbrella up your ass

"Thank you!" Yelled the kid. No! Don't thank him

"I'm Tonpa"

"I'm Gon" So his name is Gon? Cute child. Another question, may I adopt him? He looks parentless. 

"These are Kurapika and Leorio" Gon continued.

So the blondie is Kurapika and the hag is L-oreo? Nice.

"Hey are there other who have taken the exam a bunch of times like you?" Gon questioned.

"Well I have the most experience here, but there are a few others" bitch ass started.

Let's rate them on a scale from 1 to 10. Hehe

"For instance there's him" he pointed at some other fat guy who looked like a misogynist.

"Number #255, Todo the wrestler. He's unmatched in strength and he's smarter than he looks"

I'll test that theory later, for now he gets a 1.9, since I'm being generous  

"On the other side we have number #103, Bourbon, the snake charmer. He tends to hold grudges, so you don't wanna end up on his bad side"

Well I'm a snake and he sure as hell ain't charming me. Tends to hold grudges? Don't get on his bad side? He can suck my nonexistent cock for all I care. 1.95, I don't want him lower than the fat guy.

" And then we have... number #191, Bodoro, the kung fu master. He's getting old but there still isn't a better martial artist around."

Nahhh, have you seen my fighting? Oh right you didn't. He is just some old man who would be no match for me. 3.1, he's not too bad. Looks like my grandpa.

"Then you have the three brothers, Amori, Imori and Umori. They preform consistently well, thanks to their excellent team work"

Preform well? They look REALLY weak. 2.7 max

"And number #384, Gerreta, the huntsman. He specializes in killing all manner of creatures, by blow dark and club."

CLOWN ASS YAYYY. So the clowns name is Gerreta huh? And he's a huntsman? Oh well sucks to suck, still a clown to me. Imma call him Clown Garry.

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