Ardian Lasota is a 16 year old boy that was dealt a loosing hand by the devil. He is a boy that survives but does not live. Silence drowns him in the chaos. Love was a foreign concept until now. With his family finding him after 14 years , together...
People say that time heals all wounds. In reality, all time does is reopen the old and rip open new ones. When I think back, it's strange how my heart use to burn but now it has turned to ice. Pain is something that devours my being but at the same time reminds me that I am still surviving. The silence that blankets me defends against the chaos that erupts around me.
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SHOOT ! SHOOT! SHOOT! I had passed out from yesterday's beating and regained consciousness too late. It was now 6:30 in the morning. I was suppose to be up by 6:00 in order to make their breakfast on time and have it waiting. I quickly picked myself off the floor of the living room and ran to the kitchen. I ignored the pain my body was in as adrenaline kicked in. I scrambled to make some eggs and toast as that was all we had in the fridge besides beer. I was so focused on making the eggs that I did not realize that they had entered the kitchen until I felt my head being pulled by my hair. My scalp was on fire with Damon's vice grip. I dared not utter a sound. I have been mute since the age of 10 and don't plan on changing that now. They always liked silence better. Speaking meant more punishment so I stopped. "YOU LAZY SHIT! BREAKFAST WAS SUPPOST TO BE READY WHEN WE CAME DOWN!" Damon shouted at me, venom lacing every word. His face was mere inches away from mine. It was so close I could smell his disgusting, alcohol ridded breath. When he did not get an answer, he slammed by head into the countertop, breaking a piece of it off. The impact caused me to fall to the floor, slipping in and out of consciousness. Through my haze I saw Damon pick up the pan with eggs straight off the hot stove. Tears welled in my eyes as I knew what was coming but I made no effort to move as that would result in an even worse punishment. Damon bent down to my collapsed body with a sinister smile plastered on his horrifying face. Without wasting a second, he ripped open my shirt and pressed the hot pan to my stomach. My face contorted with excruciating pain as the metal burned the flesh off. When the pan began to cool down, he started relentlessly beating me with it. I just laid there not moving an inch, with silent tears rolling down my face. The sound of bones cracking and breaking filled the air. By the time he was done, the pan was dented beyond recognition. Seeing as using the pan was no longer fun to him, he tossed it aside and began to kick, punch and slap me until that too became a bore. Lastly, he rolled me onto my stomach harshly, making the fresh burn press against the moldy tile, sending waves of anguish through me. The sound of him unbuckling his belt alerted me that he was almost done with his torture. He always likes to finish a punishment by beating me senseless with his belt until my back was ripped to shreds. And that was exactly what he did. After a few agonizing minutes, he was finally done. Without even batting an eyelash, he walked over to Maria kissing her on the lips, well, more like eating them, gross, before leaving looking extremely satisfied. Maria stalked over to me while removing her underwear. I knew what was coming. I begged many times in my head for it to not but no one listens to me. No one cares to. She had a disgusting smirk on her face as she quickly undid my pants and practically ripped them off. Before having her way, she injected me with an aphrodisiac. That way she new I was forced to get hard otherwise I won't, she learnt that from the first time she tries to rape me. My body was boiling and I was a panting mess as the drugged worked to its fullest effect. Seeing this she immediately sinks down onto my cock. I learnt over the years how to completely shut my mind off and go numb to my feelings, and that was put to use immediately after she began. I watched as my disgusting excuse of a mother enjoyed herself. I could not turn my head to look anywhere else even thou I really wanted to. If I did, that would result in another punishment and my body can't handle that right now. So I just lie there, numb and aimless. As she comes down from what ever sick high she was in, she leaves me there on the floor going excitedly to Damon, without even spearing me a glance. The drug is still in effect as I laid motionless on the floor, naked with a hard on. I don't move an inch as everything hurts, both physically and mentally. I just laid there letting the drug run its course while hoping that maybe, just maybe, the drug would make me overdose and I would finally find peace. As my consciousness began to slip, that thought made a ghost of a smile appear on my lips before everything went completely black.
I slowly peeled my eyes open, letting them adjust to my surroundings. Seeing as how I was surrounded my mold, dust and drugs, it was safe to say that sadly I did not die. Yay me. I attempted sit up but immediately regretted it as pain drowned me. Fuck this hurt like a bitch! Those assholes really did it this time. Taking slow breaths, I basically moved at a snails pace in scraping myself off the sorry excuse of a floor. Actually, scratch that, a snail probably moved faster than me at this point. Sigh. When I finally managed a standing position, leaning against the wall for support, I glanced at the clock on the stove and realized that it was now 9:30am. I knew I had to get my ass to school otherwise a next punishment would follow. I took my sweet ass time in going down the stairs to my 'room' as I was already late so quite frankly, fuck it. Walking down the stairs was excruciating to say the least but it was not like I exactly had a choice. Once I was there, I quickly took a cold water shower as hot water was a luxury I did not earn. Every wound on my body burned from the water and soap but I ignored it. After drying off, I bandaged my injuries to the best of my abilities with the bandages I stole from the nurse's office. I threw on my underwear, a pair of beige pants , a light blue turtleneck hoodie with white shoes and socks. Eventho I may feel like shit, I refuse to look it. I spent some of the money I earned from jobs to purchase some decent looking clothes as my previous one where holey and 10 sizes too small. Not to mention blood covered. I also threw on some rings and necklaces that I had also bought. Fake it till you make am I right. I grabbed my tattered black backpack and placed it on my shoulder, being careful of my injuries. I did a once over of the basement I called a room and cringed just thinking about the horrid memories. All there was to it was a holey blanket that I was to sleep on, a box containing all my clothes, with my two pairs of shoes next to it. No windows, no heat. Just mold, blood and dust. I slowly crawled up the stairs and back into the kitchen downing 2 Panadol tablets from the cabinet dryly. If I was going to make it through the walk to school, as well as school in general, I was going to need it. I did not bother with cleaning up the mess that was the kitchen as I had no energy to do so. Was this decision going to bite me in the ass later, probably. Did I care? Absolutely fucking not. That was a future me problem. Minutes later, I exited the house noticing Damon's car now gone, meaning that he and Maria, my mother and stepfather, probably went to a bar. I sighed as I began the 15 minute, agonizing walk to the hell that we all call school. FUCK MY LIFE.
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Ardian's Outfit :)
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