Chapter 14

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They were a swirl of hues

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They were a swirl of hues. Striking light blue deepening to a deep velvet. It was the most beautiful eyes I have seen. So clear and soft. Worry flooded them, but another emotion was also there. An emotion I have never seen before. Never experienced. An emotion I cannot fathom the meaning of. In a trance, I am sucked into a sea of sudden tranquility. The softness of this mysterious man's gaze silencing the horrors of my mind. Numbing the pain of my body. For the first time in a long time, I felt it. The urge to paint. To capture the unknown emotion. To capture the hues of these mesmerizing eyes. I could already imagine the mixing of the colors. How I would create each hue. I want to look at the face that belongs to these mysterious eyes, but can't. All good things come to an end for me. And he was my end. 

"ARDIAN! THERE YOU ARE!" My head and gaze snapped back to look at the pavement below. That cold voice was hard to forget. My trembling started again just having to image the pain that was to come. In a matter of seconds I saw his shoes. Those shiny dress shoes that practically screamed money. 'My father' crouched down infront of me, but my gaze remained rooted to the floor. I refused to look. I refused to make my punishment any worse. 

"Are you okay? Why are you so dirty? Where have you been?" Questions fired my way without pause. His tone the same cold, emotionless way it always is. This is fake. A trick. A way for him to get me to screw up so he can finally punish me. How does he expect me to answer? It is not like I know freaking sign language and I highly doubt he does either. What does he want me to do. Write on the cement with my tears and blood. I started to hyperventilate at the possibilities. My lungs and body already burned from earlier so I know I would not and could not last another panic attack. My hands reached to scratch at my neck but were again stilled. I was going to fight back at the unknown contact but then he spoke again. That same tranquil, soothing voice. That deep voice that can pull me into a calm ocean. 

"Ardian, котёнок, listen to me. Focus on my voice again. Good that's it. I am going to lean your head against my chest okay. I want you to listen to my heart beat. I want you to feel the rise and fall of chest and match my breathing. Good, good. You are doing great котёнок, that's it." The deep voice cradled me to this mysterious man's chest. His heart beat at a steady pace, his breathing calm and collected, not wavering in the slightest. Eventually my breathing evened out but I was exhausted. I so tired I could feel it in my bones. My eyes started to droop by I refused to let them close. 'My father' is still there. He could do me a number of things. Punish me a number of ways while I am not alert but I could not stand it anymore. The solid chest I was leaned against felt safe. Like the muscular arms surrounding me would protect me against all the monsters in the world. 

"Sleep котёнок, I will take you home. I will protect you." The deep voice whispered against my head, and for some unexplainable reason, I believed him. That thought scared me as well as comforted me. The tiniest part of my heart that has never felt safe, blanketed just a little, succumbing to the darkness that is as equally my friend as it is my enemy.

Hey guys! Thoughts on the new chapter!

Who is this mysterious deep voiced man and why does Ardian feel safe with him?

Also, is Ardian's father actually concerned or is this a trap?

Comment what you think.

Find out on the next chapter of Blood tears!!!!!!

Find out on the next chapter of Blood tears!!!!!!

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