Chapter 6: The Physical Exam

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After getting up bright and early the next day, I made my way over Taiyou Dojo to see if Goku could help me learn more about Mash's capabilities; and after telling him everything I had learned yesterday he was more than happy to help me figureout what Mash else do.

And let me tell you something, I have seriously lucked out!

It turns out that Mash is seriously strong! Despite being shorter than me, the girl can lift a small car over her head with only a little bit of trouble, and she could do laps around the dojo as fast as Usain Bolt!

"So that's an S-Rank Arcana huh? I've got to admit kid, your Arcana is probably the most unique one I've ever seen." Goku commented the two of us watched Mash bench-press more weight than I ever could.

"I know right!" I began enthusiastically. Honestly it was a little embarrassing how much I was gushing about her, but I couldn't help it ok!

"It's got to be the coolest Arcana ever!"

"Cool yes, but not the coolest." Goku replied with a smirk. "Check this out."

Extending his arm out dramatically, he grasped what looked to be a wooden handle before the rest of the weapon materialized. In his hands was a massive, double-barreled shotgun! And if that wasn't cool enough, it was also on fire!

"This is my A-Rank Arcana." Goku stated smugly. "Vulcan, Tier 9."

"Ok, that is pretty damn cool." I conceded. After all the thing looked like something you'd see Ghost Rider use.

"Still it begs the question." Goku continued, his expression turning serious again. "How are you going to fight with no weapon?"

"Yeah...I've been wondering that myself." I replied quietly.

While it was cool how strong Mash was, my Arcana not being a weapon like everyone else's meant there was no way for me to fight monsters myself. 

I knew a bit of martial arts sure, but I was no Chris Redfield. Realistically speaking my punches would probably do jack squat against even the weakest monster.

And it wasn't like I could just send Mash to fight for me while I stayed behind. During our tests at the dojo, I figured out why Mash doesn't like being too far from me. 

It turns out that the farther we are from each other the weaker she gets; and after a certain distance, her strength, speed, and stamina all take a massive dive.

So for Mash to fight at her best, I had to be somewhat close by.

But that just brings us back to the original question, how was I supposed to fight without a weapon? I could buy a sword or something sure, but it wouldn't be nearly as strong as an Arcana would be.

I didn't want to just let Mash handle everything while I stood around being useless.

"Maybe I could get a gun?" I proposed, getting in touch with my inner American as I looked at Goku's shotgun.

Now that I thought about it, why didn't more people use guns to fight monsters in this universe? Though judging by the look on Goku's face, I think I was about to find out why.

"Bad idea?" I asked tentatively.

"Not bad, it just won't work long-term." Goku began, shaking his head. "With small caliber rounds you could probably take down low D-rank monsters like goblins or kobolds with no trouble. And if you got something like an AK, you could probably take down a Goblin King or even an Orc if you knew what you were doing."

"But as monsters go up in rank, they get stronger exponentially. And even if you increase your firepower, by the time you got to low C-rank monsters you'd hit the limit of tradition firearms can do."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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