CHAPTER 4 ~VHS tapes~

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Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes

In this story Bonnie plays the bass guitar and Monty plays drums.



"Do you like men?"



"Look I don't know how to start a conversation!" Dave exclaims You gave Dave a questioning look, "so... do you like men?" he asks. You nod, a smile spreads across Dave's face "Me too" he raise his hand for a high five, you notice he has dark purple ear piercings. You give Dave a high five. Dave pulls out a packet of gum from his bag, "you want one?" he asks you, you nod, he gives you one. You notice a bit of purple bunny ears from a plush. "Have you seen the Glamrocks on stage?" Dave asks you, "no" You respond. "Well lets go then" he gets up and walks over the the door of the staff room, motioning you to follow him. 

Both of you walk out of the staff room, many people where out now and Dave takes you to an area where a lot of people are gathered up, its a stage. You look at Dave, he seemed very exited and... perhaps in-love? 

"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, Fazbear entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one, the only Fready Fazbear!"

A loud cheer erupts form the crowd, Dave seems really exited. The crowd shouts as the Glamrocks appear on stage, the crowd would constantly shout the names of different band members, trying to get their attention. You look at Dave, he seems to be only looking at one band member, Bonnie, his face growing red as he stares. 

As the show goes on you look at how the the Glamrocks would move, on how they portray various emotions, on how human-like they seem. You think back to what 'M' said. "Is that what 'M' meant my more human-like" "Or does he mean..." your face grows hot as the thought crossed your mind, lightly slapping yourself on the face you go back to watching the Glamrocks perform.

The Glamrocks finishes with their performance and they disappear into the small platforms that they first appeared form. "Come on" Dave says tapping you on the arm before happily walking away, you hurriedly follow him, you flash him a slightly confused look as you both walk back to the staff room. 

When you both reach the staff room and he closes the door behind both of you and happily flops on to one of the chairs. You look at Dave and how happy he was, it brought one question that constantly crosses your mind.

 "Hey Dave?"


"do you like one of the Glamrocks?"

Dave's face grows red.



"how do you know?"

"You make it quite obvious" "How?" he askes you, "well at first, before the Glamrocks show started you where very exited" you put one finger down, "Then you blush while looking at the Glamrocks" you put another finger down "and you look ONLY at Bonnie" you put another finger down, "and you have a bonnie plush in his bag" you put another finger down while gesturing to his bag. Dave sat there speechless, but he did not deny. 

He turns to say something but then his faz-watch buzzes, he looks at his watch and then reads wat was written, then he got up "my break is over" you wave him goodbye and he leaves the staff room. You look around the room, bored then something odd caught your attention, something small on a stool, that you didn't think was there before.

"A VHS tape?"

You get up and walk over to the small stool and pick up the VHS tape, the tape had your name on it. You look around the room and notice a TV VHS tape player "how convenient". You walk over to the player and look around it trying to work out how it works. Once you find out how it works you put in the VHS tape and the screen lights up, low quality funky music starts playing.

"welcome new employee, now that you are a part of the Faz-family-" You snort "-we would love to welcome you" a picture of cartoon-ish Glamrocks, Music man, and daycare attendants is displayed on screen "and this is your training video" "the animatronics have a complex system" a picture of the inside wiring was shown "and it is important that you don't damage the system yourself"

 "Anydamagedonetotheanimatronicsyourselfwillbecutfromyourpaycheck" "wtf" 

"While fixing the animatronics, their system will go into repair mode, it is advised not to tamper with anything during this time as the animatronics are not in control of their body" "damn"


"When the animatronics have damage done to them their 'skin' comes off and thus has to be replaced, until the 'skin' is replaced your task is not over." A picture of an animatronic base was shown and the placement and method of placement was shown.

"During repair mode small buttons will appear on the animatronic-" Freddy was shown and small buttons appeared on the side of his face "-and they must be pressed to open the animatronic" The buttons went inward and outward to imitate the act of pressing it the the face of Freddy opened up to show his exo-skeleton.

"once the animatronic is out of repair mode the buttons will disappear" the buttons previously present on Freddy's face disappears.

"This will be the end of your training" the video abruptly stopped and was then replaced by a blue screen, the VHS tape popped out from the bottom. You picked up the VHS tape and placed it on the table.

You walk back to the table and sit on the chair, "I still don't know what they mean by more 'human-like' abilities" you shrug and look at your watch, the time is 7:30. Since you have nothing to do, you start to read a book.

After some time you feel your faz-watch buzz, you close your book and put it in your bag, you tap the face of your faz-watch, the screen lights up. You see that a new task has popped up on the screen, the one about fixing Sun's hand still present. You read the task.

"Go and clean up the daycare attendants"

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