CHAPTER 7 ~Kim Tibbitt~

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Sorry for bad spellings or grammar

@teaganlombax thank you for voting all my chapters :)

(f/gf)= fav gum flavor

(f/s)= fav show (or youtuber)



You couldn't sleep today, one thought still bothers you.


"Did kids really go missing?" you mumble to your self, "it's of no use thinking about stupid things" You get up from bed and check the time, it is 4 in the morning. You decide to go and take a bath. After your bath you put on your uniform and do your hair. You walk out your bedroom and sit down on the sofa, since you have a lot of time left you decide to scroll trough the internet.




5:20 AM

Your stomach growls so you turn off your phone and get up. You walk over to the kitchen and make yourself some coffee. Once your coffee is done you pour it into your favorite cup and drink it. While drinking your coffee you zone-out, deep in your thoughts. Once you finish your coffee you wash your cup. "I don't wanna do dishes anymore", you sigh and dry your hands. You grab some snacks from your kitchen and shove it in your bag, then you grab your phone and bag. You leave the house, locking the door behind you, then you make your way the the pizza plex.




You enter the pizza plex. You tap your ID card on the ticket gates and enter the lobby. You walk to the staff room, grabbing a small chocolate from your bag and eating it on your way there. Once you reach the staff room you and place your bag on one of the chairs, just as you where about to leave for the Glamrocks your faz-watch buzzes. 

You check your faz-watch and see that its wasn't a task, its a message. "Come up to the boss' office" the message read. "a week in to the job, did I already fuck up?", you question yourself. You get up and walk out the staff room. You felt really tired and weren't all over bothered about the fact that you might get fired, you where to busy thinking about how to get rid of doing dishes.

As you got closer to the office you started to get a bit nervous. You walk towards the office door and you could hear soft music coming from inside, you walk closer towards the door and you could hear some of the lyrics. 

"You see"

"Way down inside of me"

"Darlin', I only have one desire"

You knock on the door and the music abruptly stops. You could hear things being moved around, someone swearing, and a door being smacked shut. Finally there was silence and the door opened. There was a chair left spinning. You entered and the door shut behind you. You look at the screen that was blue with barley visible Freddy heads. Text appeared on the screen and a slightly robotic voice spoke. 

"Good morning Mr.(y/n) (l/n)"

"Good morning" you respond

"So, we have a new employee" as he 'speaks' a knock was heard on the door, then it opens. A woman with orange hair is standing at the door. She is wearing the same overalls as you, she enters and stands next to you. 

"Ms. Kim Tibbitt, welcome. As I was saying, we have a new employee and that is Ms. Tibbitt here. Her job is that she is going to be the mechanic of the female animatronics. (l/n) won't have to take care of them anymore" .

You let out a relived sigh "I'm not getting fired". You look at the screen. "Why does her name sound so familiar?" you stare at the screen at text would appear and as Kim and the screen would have a conversation, you didn't bother listening.

"So I need the both of you to tell the others that there will be no more holidays as more people come to the pizza plex now" The both of you nod.

"You may leave now" the door opens and both of you leave the room. You both walk back to the staff room, there was a long awkward silence, you furrow your brows trying to remember why her name is so familiar, then you remember that she is the friend that Dave talked about a few days ago. The both of you part ways and you go towards the Glamrock's rooms.

Once you reach the Glamrock's rooms you check up on Freddy, just as you where about to check on Roxy you remember that its not your job anymore. You check up on Monty and then walk towards Bonnie's bowl. Just as you where about to meet enter you meet Bonnie outside and you have a small conversation with him. 

~time skip to after you finish checking up on all the animatronics~

You walk back to the staff room and flop into the set next to your bag. You pull out some (f/gf) and pop some into your mouth, you offer one to Mark but he refused. "well so we don't have anymore holidays" you told Mark. "Well that's not fair" he put on a sad face, then laughed. Mark's phone buzzed and he let out a groan, "which dumb ass already broke something" You bid him goodbye and he leaves.

You started to watch (f/s) on your phone and shove another piece of gum into your mouth. Your phones buzzed and you check it.



Dave: bro we don't have holidays anymore

yeah I know :you

Mark: i don't have time to listen to music anymore :(

Dave:  i don't have time to think about gay sex anymore :[

You replied to Dave:

real :you

Mark: yall are so weird


You laugh at your phone and go back to watching (f/s). The door opens and the woman from before "what was her name again?" you are not good with names.  "hi" you say to her, "hello" she responds. "right her name is Kim" "your name is (y/n) right?" you nod "Dave told me about you".

You walk both sit in awkward silence for some time, "uh- Dave told us about you some time ago", she raises a brow "really- wait who is 'us'?" she inquires. "Well there is this other man who works with us, his name is mark." you respond. "you mean that really tall dude?" you nod. 

"well anyways what dis he tell you about me?" she questions. "he just said that you are trying to get this job.", she gave you a blank stare, "nothing else?" you shook your head. 

Awkward silence.

"well- how long where you trying for this job?" you question, trying to make a conversation. "well for about months" she responds "wait really?" she nods. You give her a questioning look, waiting for her to explain. "so like old boss didn't wan to leave me".

The both of you continue to talk and soon Mark enters the room and joins the conversation. The rest of the day goes by really fast. You check up on the Glamrocks before showtime then talk about absolute nonsense to Mark, Dave and Kim. Then you fix Sun's rays. 

You and Mark walk to Bonnis's bowl. You enter and then walk towards the ice cream parlor. Chica and Kim where already there. you join their conversation and listen to Dave's experience with weird people.


Your faz-watch buzzes and everyone gives you a questioning look. "who did what at this time" Dave questions, you shrug and check your faz-watch.

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