CHAPTER 5 ~stickers and Bonnie's bowl~

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Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.

In this story the save machines are the clock in machines.

Sorry for being gone for so long. :)

(f/f)= favorite food



"Go and clean up the daycare attendants"


You stare at your faz watch for a few seconds "wtf". You click on the drop down button and you read. "The daycare attendants just finished their day, oh no! the kids have messed with the daycare attendants (go fix Sun's rays and remove all the stickers from his face)". "what type of demonic kids remove Sun's rays"  You get up and walk out of the staff room, you go to the daycare.




You push open the doors to the daycare and see sun putting away some toys behind the desk, he looks up at the sound of the door opening and looks at you, you notice that one of his rays are missing and he has stickers all over his face.

 He run up to you, his remaining rays popping in and out. You look at him with a confused look on your face. "what? Is there something on my face?" Sun asks you, you nod, he touches his face, "ohhh, you mean the stickers? The kids put them on my face!" his rays pop in and out.  

"I have to remove them" you said, Sun's smile drops and he stares at you. "do we have to?" he wines. You nod, "fine" he bends down and you start removing the stickers. you pull them off and Sun stares at you with a sad look on his face. 

Once you finished removing the stickers you look at Sun, "What about the missing.. ray thing?" Sun gestures towards the security desk and there in the middle sat a ray, similar to the ones on Sun's head.

You get up and walk over to the security desk and pick up the ray, you stare at the ray before walking back to Sun. "can you bend down a bit more for me?" You ask Sun, he sits down and bends his head so the top of his head was visible. You push his hair to the side and press it down so it stays in place, the part where the rays are placed where now visible. You pick up the ray and push it down, you hear something click and you stop holding the ray.

"done" You say and sun get up, he messes up his hair so it returns to its original position. Sun pulls you into a hug and spins you around "Thank you! Thank you! You don't even know how happy this makes me!" Sun puts you down, you just nod since you where to dizzy to do anything. "Wait here, I'm gonna get you something" before you could even process what Sun said he already left.

You sit down and massage your forehead, the feeling of nausea slowly disappearing. "(y/n)! (y/n)!" You stop massaging your forehead and look up, Sun is running towards you with something in his hand. He stop in front of you and pulls you up. He pulls out a sticker from the sticker sheet in his hand and grabs you ID card (I don't remember if I but and ID card in the second chapter but just go along with it like you had one all this time) and puts the sticker on it, it was a smiley sticker. 

You look at Sun and give him a smile "that's so cute". Then you remember that you still had to replace the 'skin' on his hand. "hey Sun, i have to fix your hand" "oh yeah, then lets go to parts and services!" Sun walks towards the daycare door and motions you to follow him, and you follow him. "how are we gonna get there?" you ask him "trough the main stage" he responds, "but there are people there right?" "they must be home, its 8:30 and its a working day tomorrow".

sundrop/moondrop x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now