CHAPTER 9 ~'This Is Weird'~

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes.

@XxEmilyRiddlexX thx for voting all my chapters.

Tw: This chapter contains a bit of lime(?), a warning will be given when it starts



You groan and roll off your bed. "I don't want to go to work".


You told your friends about your findings. Kim and Dave just laughed, they already knew. Mark was just as shocked as you where. The next few days went by slowly, each time you had to meet Sun or Moon was awkward. You remembered that something else bothered you but you couldn't remember what it was.




You walk towards the daycare pickup area. You enter the pickup area. You walk down the stairs and pause in front of the daycare. You take a deep breath in and let it out then push the daycare doors open. Sun pick you up and envelopes you in a hug. Your face is buried in his chest. You could feel your face grow hot. "Good morning (y/n)!" Sun says as he spins you around.

You feel dizzy. Sun puts you down and he stands in front of you as you steady yourself. Once you steady yourself Sun starts speaking "Moon ripped the skin-" Sun points right bellow his chest "-over here". You nod, "I'll go and get somethings". Sun nods and you walk out the Daycare. You make your way towards the main stage. 

You reach the main stage and push the big button on a stand. The stage starts to descend and you stand there patiently. The ride down was peaceful. The stage came to a stop and you walked off the stage. You walk towards parts and services and walk into one of the separate rooms with boxes in it. You open one of the boxes and pull out a piece of material.

You walk out of parts and services and towards the main stage, You walk back onto the stage and it starts ascending. You shove the piece of material into your pocket and stand there, only the sound of the rising stage and your own breathing accompanying you. The stage comes to a halt and you walk off the stage, you make your wat towards the daycare. 

You push the daycare pickup area doors open and you are enveloped with darkness. The lights are off. You pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight. You walk down while using the railing as support. You walk towards the daycare doors and push them open. You enter and the doors close behind you. 

You walk around, making sure you don't knock anything down. "Moon?" You call out, no response. "Moon?" you call out again. You jump as you feel a hand on your shoulder, you turn around and see Moon standing right behind you. You make sure that your flashlight isn't directly pointed at Moon so that you could get a good look at him. 

Moon has a huge grin on his face an he is shirtless. Your face grows hot. You look at the spot where his 'skin' is ripped out, in place silvery metal dimly shines. "Like what you see?" Moon asks you. "shut up" you mumble. "lets get that fixed" you say pointing at the patch of missing 'skin'. 

Moon stands there waiting for you to starts working. "Maybe you could sit down somewhere?" you ask Moon he nods and walk towards the security desk, you follow him. Moon sits down. You pull out the piece of the material you have in your pocket. You measure the patch and cut the piece corresponding to the shape. 

You ask Moon to tilt back a bit so the patch it more accessible, he does as told. You place the piece on the patch and apply pressure. You keep your hand there for some time.

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