CHAPTER 8 ~Awkward Findings~

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Sorry for bad spellings or grammar.

(f/s) = favorite show (or youtuber)

(f/f)= favorite food

(f/d)= favorite drink

Any mistakes or use of shortcuts during text in the story is intentional.



You shrug and check your faz-watch.


A new task has appeared on the screen, you read it.

"Oh no, the Daycare attendant has fallen off his line and broke his arm! Go fix it."

You look up at your friends. "well... Sun, I think, broke his hand" you get up and walk out of Bonnie's bowl and walk towards the daycare. 

You enter the daycare pickup area, the daycare music continues to play but the daycare is dark. The light are off "ohhh its Moon that broke his hand". You walk down the stairs and towards the daycare doors. You open the daycare door and you are met with nothing but pitch black. "damn its real dark" the daycare doors close behind you, you pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight. 

You walk around your phone flashlight illuminating your way, "Moon?" you call out, "Moon? Hello?" you call out again. "over here" you hear moon shout followed by a series of creaks, grunts and groans. Moon walks towards you avoiding the light from your phone.

"You broke your hand?" you question him, he nods and presents his arm dislocated from his body, you bring your light closer, but you didn't directly point it at Moon, you look at his where his left arm is supposed to be and see that the long sleave just flayed lifelessly as he moved. "lets go get tat fixed. 

You and moon walk towards the daycare doors and you open it, light floods into the daycare and you look behind you to talk to Moon only to see that he isn't there. Confused, you peek around and search for Moon, "Moon, where are you?" You call out, "I swear he was just behind me" "I'm over here" Moon says.

His hand pokes out from behind the doors of the daycare. "why are you there?" you question him. "Can you turn off the lights around the pickup area?" he asks you. You sigh and walk outside the daycare to turn off al the lights.

Once you finished turning off al the lights Moon walks up behind you "lets go" he says before walking off to the exit of the pickup area. You follow him "Don't mind me" he says, you internally question why he said so. You open the exit and he immediately rushes outside and hides in a dark corner. "Don't mind me" he repeats. 

You walk to the main stage and Moon runs alongside with you. once you reach the main stage you and Moon stand there and press the button. The stage goes down. The ride down was silent. Once the stage comes to a stop you and Moon walk off the stage and into parts and services. You walk over to the computer and it boots up. 

"Welcome to parts and services, please select your desired procedure."

You select repair.

"Preparing for repair procedure" You look into the cylinder and see that Moon is laying motionless on the table.

"You may now enter the protective cylinder" you enter the cylinder. The door closes behind you. 

"First start off by removing the daycare attendant's shirt" "that sounds really wrong" just as you are about to do as the system said your phone buzzes and you pick it up. 

sundrop/moondrop x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now