What Eddy Had Done

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Eddy's POV
I never had luck with love, let alone, finding it in girls. I tried swinging for the boys' team since it worked for Ed, but to no avail. How he found someone was beyond me. Maybe it's because he was a little more open with a system full of liquor at a gay bar, but it beats me.

I have a few exes I could go back to, but I'd rather chew my own arm off than go back to them. Lee was by far the worst, followed by Jenny. Lee had her heart set on me, which I hated. She also dictated over me, like what I did with my free time, who I hung out with, where I spent my money and such. Jenny was manipulative and said how I couldn't leave her, even though she's eight months pregnant. We've never banged, so that kid ain't mine.

I decided to take a walk to a nearby cafe to meet up with Ed and his boyfriend. I only went with Lumpy for moral support more than anything. One of the girls behind the counter was checking me out, I could tell. The other who was standing next to her told her to take our orders since she was staring at me.

The short blonde haired girl with bright blue eyes walked over to us and greeted herself as Marcie, as it was read visibly on her name tag. "Hiiii! What can I get for you?" She said so enthusiastic as Ed ordered the same thing he always did. His boyfriend got just a black coffee.

"And for you, handsome?" She asked as she placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a sweet smile. "Chamomile tea, that's it," I spat as I shook her off my shoulder. "And keep your hands off me!" She smiled and walked to put the order in. She came back and sat on me a minute later as I was trying to ignore her and get her off me.

"Where is - oh my gosh, Marcie! Get back here behind the counter!" Another girl retorted as she was referred to as Riley. The pink haired girl came over and pulled her blonde coworker off me. "Marcie, how many times do I have to tell you to stop flirting with people? He's probably already taken!" She stated as I looked at them.

"Unlikely, doll," I muttered.

Riley looked at me as she apologized. "She didn't do anything to you, did she?" She asked with a voice full of concern that I shook it off. "Nah, nothing but some usual teenage junk, like wanting to run away, start a new life somewhere else and such. Don't worry your pretty little head about it, darlin. It was nothing," I said as another girl, whose name tag read Paige, was struggling to carry all the drinks on the tray. It didn't look heavy, but I wasn't gonna comment on her strength.

Riley took each drink swiftly and placed them in front of us. Ed was stoked and drank it immediately as his boyfriend warned him about brain freeze, which Ed got moments later. His boyfriend shook it off and sipped his coffee after thanking her. "Sorry about the delay on the tea. It seems they gave you green tea instead of chamomile like you wanted. Let me check in the back to see if we have any," she said as she was about to turn as I said, "This is fine. Don't worry about it."

She turned back to look at me. "Really? I could go double check and - " I waved it off. "It's cool. Green tea is better for me anyway," I sipped the tea soon after, feeling how hot and bitter it was on my tongue. "We have sweetener as well as sugar. Did you need any?" I decided to try my hand at a stupid one-liner to see how she would take it. "I'll take sugar, but only if it's as sweet as you," I smirked as I looked at her as she huffed and muttered under her breath.

She turned and walked quickly as I looked into the tea. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.. Nonetheless, she came back with some sugar and placed it on the table. "Thank you for the compliment, sir, but I must be honest. I'm not looking for anything. When you're ready to pay your tab, we'll be more than happy to take payment at the counter."

When she left rather quickly, I put sugar in my tea and sipped it. It seemed more bitter than I remembered, even after putting some sugar in it. Ed sipped his drink as his boyfriend finished his coffee. "Well, lovebug? What do you wanna do today? It's your birthday, so today's all about you!" He made it a point to rub it in my face, too. Michael's a fucking prick, that much I know.

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