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VERA SIGHED AS she exited the London airport. The dreary rain was full and present, making her scowl in distaste. She could never understand how people could deal with so much rain and lack of sunshine.

She pulled her luggage alongside herself as she looked around, raindrops catching in her long lashes. She reached up and quickly pulled her hood over her head to protect herself from the pelting droplets. She looked around the busy streets and waved down a taxi that was approaching.

The vehicle quickly halted, and she wasted no time whipping the car door open and throwing her bags inside before diving in after. The man glanced back at her disheveled person before speaking.

"Where to?" His accent was strong.

She sighed and held a finger up to pause him. She dug through her pockets briefly before fishing out a small folded-up piece of paper. She unfolded it and handed it to the driver.

"Here, please." She requested as she leaned back on the squeaky seat.

The man nodded his head and took off down the busy streets. She watched out the window and took in her surroundings. The large buildings were beautiful, but she found herself lost in thought, the picture of Marc Spector popping into her head again. Her mind went over the information she had read about him repeatedly.

He had two names, but she wasn't sure which one was his real name - Marc Spector or Steven Grant.

The clearing of a throat brought Vera out of her thoughts. The driver was parked and looking at her expectantly - waiting for her to pay him and to get the hell out. She gave him a sheepish grin as she pulled out some cash, quickly handing it to him before exiting the cab.

She grabbed her bags and shut the vehicle door, hurrying into the apartment entrance in front of her. She shook off the rain and headed towards the elevator, looking around at the few people who occupied the lobby.

Vera quickly got into the lavish elevator and hit the up button, heading to the top floor. She pulled her phone out and glanced at the notifications, a majority of them being from Peter.

She smiled at the sight of his name. Before she could click to see what the messages said, the doors rang and opened on her floor. She shoved the phone back in her pocket and hurried down the hallway, quickly approaching her assigned apartment number.

Vera pulled her key out and easily opened the door, a cold breeze hitting her body as she entered. The apartment was small but homey - courtesy of Fury. She shut the door behind herself and locked it up.

Her heels clicking on the tiled floor was the only noise, making her frown. It was much too quiet for her liking. She dragged her stuff through the living room and down a short hallway, finding what would be her bedroom.

She grinned at the room before her, which was an exact replica of her own bedroom back at headquarters. She appreciated it. She set down the suitcase and bag onto a nearby chair and shrugged off her jacket, placing it on the bed.

Vera walked to the window and watched the raindrops fall down the glass - closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before speaking into the silence.

"Welcome to London."

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Vera sat on her bed, curled under the covers in her comfy pajamas. Her laptop was on her lap, tabs pulled up on the screen, and paper files spread out around her. She was scouring the internet for anything she could find on the names she was provided with.

Her eyes were tired, and she was ready to give up for the night - knowing she had to be up early for the start of her 'new job' in the morning. Fury had gotten her a position as an assistant manager at the museum, where said target worked. She hadn't worked as a manager a day in her life, so she wasn't sure how to go about it.

When it doubt, just wing it, that was Vera's motto.

Her eyes started to flutter shut, sleep begging to take over. Before she could fully slip into unconsciousness, the blaring of her phone startled her. She grabbed the device and looked at the caller ID, reading 'Spiderling.' She grinned before quickly answering.

"Hellooooo?" She spoke into the phone.

"You're alive!" Peter's worried voice filled the phone. Vera furrowed her eyebrows at his words.

"Well, yes, I think so."

"You didn't answer any of my texts! I thought you were dead!" He exclaimed dramatically, earning a chuckle from the brunette.

"Peter, have a bit more faith in me." She laughed at him.

"How about you answer your texts?" He shot back. Vera could practically see his brows raised.

"Shut up, Spiderling." She replied, knowing it would aggravate him.

"Ooo, you are so lucky you're in London." He huffed. Vera could have bet he was sitting with his lips sealed tight, and his arms angrily crossed as he sat on his bed.

"Mhmmm. Is there something you need, Peter?" She asked him as she shut her laptop and set it on the table beside her. A small sigh came from the other end of the line.

"I just wanted to say hi and that I miss you and that you should come back as soon as possible because Bucky is mean -" The boy began to rant, making her laugh again.

"Peter - Peter. Slow down. I just got here. I believe in you. You just gotta win Bucky over, and he'll warm up to you." She teased him, making him give a sarcastic laugh in return.

"Not funny. He's -"

"Goodnight Peter, I love you." Vera cut him off, bidding him goodnight before ending the call. The grin on her face didn't fade as she shook her head at the kids' antics.

She flicked off the light and let her head hit the pillow, sleep taking over in mere seconds.

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