Step It Up!

491 10 7

We are nintendo, you cannot beat us
-Nintendo Man [MM v2]

Your P.O.V

Y/N: Can someone point me towards Vale, or the docks? I kinda need to be there in a bit.

The faunus that had watched just stood in place, shocked by how fast he got there. They also took notice that he acted like he could do that his whole life. But the most repeated thought was "Who is he?".

Y/N: Well... this is awkward.

The civilians snapped back into reality and reminded themselves of the question he had posed. And to answer him, a deer faunus pointed towards the docks that went directly to Vale.

Y/N: Thank you, now I'll be lea- *massive stomach growl* 0_o'

Everyone: .............

Y/N: Does anyone know anywhere to eat? I'm not from here so...

The faunus that answered him before was about to point towards a restaurant, but a rather tall faunus walked down the road... heading directly towards you. But you recognized him instantly.

'OH SHIT!!!! IT'S GHIRA!!! Aw man, I really hope I didn't do anything to piss him off

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'OH SHIT!!!! IT'S GHIRA!!! Aw man, I really hope I didn't do anything to piss him off. I bet that boost I did got him mad or something... bad idea, me. Y'know, up close, he looks a LOT taller than in the anime.'

Y/N: *shaking a little* U-uhm, H-hi?

Ghira: *serious and kinda scary tone* Did you make that loud noise?
Y/N: *Slowly nods*

Ghira: ...That hurt my ears y'know

Y/N: S-sorry, I d-didn't think it was gonna be that l-loud.

Ghira: How did you do that anyway?

Y/N: I ran.

Ghira: 0_o

Everyone near enough to hear: 0_0

Y/N: *sweats nervously*

Ghira: What?

Y/N: I... ran?

Ghira: No one I've ever seen has ran THAT fast. YOU broke the sound barrier!


Y/n then tried to run away, but he only got a few feet away because the fatigue of not eating had caught up to him. He then fell face first into the ground.

Y/N: sooo... hungry

Ghira: *sweatdrops* 'I guess that was his semblance, it sure took a lot out of him'

Ghira walked up to y/n and picked him up, over his shoulder. Y/n was practically crying about how hungry he was. The chief didn't really know what to do with him, so he took the hungry hedgehog to his home, which was where he had come from.

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