Towards the Light of Beacon

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Ha, lol....

...Why tf is this getting close to 2k reads?

Y/n: Oh, you heard that?

He had been caught red handed by Ruby. He had no escape and no magic to erase her memories... at least, not yet. Even if he ran out the door, he'd probably run into ruby at beacon... 'cuz that's how the universe works (or in this case plot). So, it's time for the hedgehog to accept his fate.

Ruby: Yeah! You sound good! Great even! Did you usedtosing?!Wereyoufamousdidyouplayguitarwhereisyoureguitardidyouhaveafullbandwhendidyoulearntoplaywheredidyoulearnhowcomeiveneverheardofyourband?Wh-

Y/n: Wait... how long have you been there?




Ruby: ...a minute or two?

Y/n: 0_0

Ruby: 0w0"

Y/n: .....see ya at beacon!

Ruby: *extends hand out towards y/n* Wai-

He zoomed out the door, leaving a gust of wind behind. He continued to run until he was sure that he couldn't be found by them. He skid to a stop. He was deep into the forest. He then remembered that he doesn't have something. And this something could mean life or death...











...he had no weapon whatsoever. Y/n started to think about what he should do now. Weapons were, in fact, a huge part in being a huntsman. Its a line of defense, especially for huntsman-in-training.
So not having one, would be a pain in the ass. And he had no idea how to make or even get an idea of a schematic. But, he knew one person that did... Ruby. She was the one person he knew that knows how to make weapons.

Y/n: *annoyed* Hmm, but I just left! There's no way that she'd welcome me back with open arms... right?




He went back and he was let in by Ruby.

Ruby: Hey, y/n! Why'd you lea-

Y/n: Nothing happened earlier. You never heard anything, capisce?

Ruby: (>_<) *salutes with the wrong hand* Sir, yes sir!



Y/n: Uhm, you can drop the soldier act...

Ruby: Oh, right. Hehe...

Y/n: Also, you used the wrong hand.

Ruby: Oh, sorry...

They stood in silence.

Y/n: So, uh... how long have you been awake?

Ruby: I don't know... ten minutes? Somewhere around there, I think.

Y/n: Ok, is Yang awake?

Ruby: I think so. She should be showering right now.

Y/n: So, is that your dad I hear walking towards us?

She tested up, froze and slowly rotated 180 degrees. Ruby heard the footsteps getting closer with each step. And at the top of the stairs stood... Yang.

Ruby: Huh? Yang? I thought you were showering?

Yang: Nah, I came to see what all the ruckus is down here.

Yang started descending down the stairs.

Yang: So, what's going on?

Ruby looked back at y/n, who was shooting her a menacing look. His eyes pretty much glowed red. She responded out of fear but did her best to hide it.

Ruby: Uhm, nothing! We were just talking!

Y/n: Yeah...

Yang: ...sure.

Yang played along.

Y/n: ...So, who's ready to go to beacon?

Yang: I am!

Ruby: I am... I guess.


~Convenient Timeskip~

On the bullhead, y/n had decided to branch off from Ruby and Yang to try to find everyone else. He couldn't find Pyrrha or Wiess or Blake or Ren or Nora... he couldn't find anybody. Even with his speed he couldn't find them, didn't help that he was practically blind when it came to details.

Y/n: Ok, if I was anyone in RWBY, where would I be in this bullhead?

And so he thought... Meanwhile, in another part of Remnant, a large energy blast, similar to y/n's when he arrived, appeared in a deserted area. Y/n felt its aura.

Y/n: Huh? What was that?

He started to look around and found nothing. But a few students caught his eye, one wore a mask and had a tail and ears. He thought that it was strange that a faunus had two traits and assumed that it was rare. The other student was curled up in a corner. He couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl since this child had his head resting in his arms. He wanted to go confront them, but saw Jaune speed-walking by, trying desperately to find a trash can to hurl in.

Y/n: Oh, that's my cue. This bull's about to get the red flag!

He ran through the crowd to find Yang and Ruby, when he made it, Yang already had vomit on her shoe.


A/N: Bruh, it really took me THIS long to get this short af chapter out? Damn, I'm slow as hell. Eh, oh well guess this'll do... for now

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