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As soon as Seungmin had entered the house. He received a harsh punch across his face making the younger slip and fall down.

"Who the hell was that!" His father screamed at his top of his lungs. "why were you with him!"

At this point the elder didn't care if his own workers saw him. As long as they worked for him then nothing would slip out.

"hands!" Seungmin knew what was coming, holding his shaking hands out. The old man roughly took out his gloves.

"and stay still!" A harsh leather strap landed on Seungmin's bare hands. The younger flinched but it only caused his father to hit him even more.

"God damn it! Quit moving!" Another hit landed, one after another. Seungmin felt as his hands were about to fall. It stung, the burning sensation all over his hands. Marks that slowly faded and others that were fresh.

Seungmin felt hot tears streaming down, not daring to move again. Staying in the same position, although he closed his eyes, it didn't take away the burn.

Mr. Kim threw his very own son onto the ground and began to kick his sides. The elder gave a few kicks until he was satisfied.

"clean his blood! I'll be going to the company." The maids nodded their heads and bowed.

Seungmin was on the ground, looking lifeless. His whole body was aching, he gritted his teeth as he lift himself from the floor.

i can't just l-let t-this keep happening...

Seungmin stood up, all the maid stared at him. He winced in pain as he tried to walk up the stairs. He bit his lip as he climbed up the stairs.

He barged into his room, slamming his door and locking it. The red head goes into his closet, getting clothes that he liked. He shoved it into a suit cases, taking any that was important.

His breathing started to get uneven. Seungmin put a tons of gloves into it, he forced it close. He put a shoulder bag, there was his savings. A ton of birthday money that elderly had given him.

He put in his phone, changer. He put on his school bag and turns off his phone completely. Seungmin somehow felt like it was right, he pulled the ladder near his window.

He was hesitant but knew that it would be the best. The only problem was where was Seungmin going to go? Arrange friends are well controlled and won't do such thing for him.

Seungmin threw his suit case onto the ground and bag that he carried. He only had his backpack on, he started to climb out the window, then down.

shit. Please don't come out...

The red head began to shake causing the ladder to shake as well. He jumped out and picks up his bag along with his suit case.

The young male began to speed walk and looking around for workers. Not wanting to be caught, he quietly walked out the gates, he began to run not knowing where he was headed.

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