Talk Talk

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"W-wait... Okay let me list out the things this Uma looking ass fucker did to ya" Luis begins.

I laugh loving how he still rolls his r's when he speaks English. Especially when he says motherfucker. I see Luis taking a small puff of his joint.

"He harassed a good handful of girls, assaulted you and your friends during the summer, he got caught masturbating in class- this is the second time too!" He raises his voice a bit sounding so shock. " and yet karma still hasn't got his ass nor the school did shit?!"

"I know Luis! And not to mention how you takes to my principal about it and he was all like 'Don't worry Mr. Fuentez we'll give his parents a call' " I mock my principals voice.

"At this point I'm going to hope someone beats him up"

"Dude if I see Chester laying there all injured after getting whooped Imma want someone to throw up in his mouth-"

"WOAH WHAT THE FUCK!?" Luis begins to laugh in shock.

As Luis and I gossip more about Chester and Hector, Luis takes one last puff then him and I walk to the kitchen to cook dinner together. We didn't know what to cook so we cooked  together. I made the sauce whole Luis chops up the potatoes and boils them with a generous amount of salt. We cooked chorizo then we mixed it with the potatoes on one pan. We used a second pan to make the bollio nice and toasty after we put the sauce on it.
I love cooking with Luis. him and I  would gossip together, telling each others how our day has been, our favorite memories and we sometimes vent while we cook together. Even while we eat what we just cooked together.

Time Skip to Eating in the Dining Room (6:44 p.m.)

Luis and I eat together in the dining room. Everything in here looks vintage. Whole house looks vintage until you look at the bathroom, his  and my bedroom. The lights in the dinning room are nice and dim, the room smells like mint, and the way how it's all pulled together with the plants,the dim lights, how vintage it looks, and with the minty smell adds more to it.

"Remember to brush your teeth Muñeca, I don't want you to gag and throw up again" Luis reminds me.

"Luis you know that I always remember- I swear if this is an excuse to talk abou-"

"Look Y/N, I know you want to tell that part of your past on full detail, you told me your momma forced you and when you do it because it's something that our body does and plus your momma forced ya... But why did that lead you to gagging and sometimes throwing up 'cause of some after tastes of food you ate throughout the day?"

"Well I haven't ate certain foods to get to that aftertaste so I guess I can't gag nor have urge to puke..." I breathe in and out. "Okay so when my momma forced me to hold-"

7:04 p.m

After telling him full detail of what lead me to why I do things and to who I am, he comforted me which is why I felt so lucky to live with him. My family is so... grotesque and the reasons why I ran away.

Running away wasn't easy, I remember how I depended on canned dog food to survive. The amount of times I had to steal, try to keep warm, and almost getting danger. Yeah not fun. I'm so glad Luis found me in that alleyway when he's trying to buy something off of someone.

I remember how he told me 4 months ago the reason why he let me live with him, saving my life from getting any worse is because I look like his sister. Just the fact of seeing someone in a horrible state who looks like someone who you loved, cared for, and lost. Besides Luis felt bad, he says 'I took care of you and let you live with me because you look like my sister. Someone who I loved and care for. My family. If I just leave you it'll feel like I'm betraying her'

Luis walked me to my bedroom after I did my daily things in the bathroom. I walk up to my soft mattress that's covered with nice soft sheets. But then I felt a horrible feeling on my toe. I stub my fucking toe onto the fucking bed frame! I groan in annoyance and in pain while Luis just stands there and laughs.

After all of that I flop myself onto my bed feeling so nice and comfy. Luis leaves my room as he closes the door behind. I got under my warm blanket and snuggle with those buff ass looking teddy bears. You know what teddy bears I'm talking about. The ones with a small head and the rest of they're body are just BOOF!

10 minutes pass by and I couldn't sleep, I suddenly felt hot. If only my ac isn't broken... Plus I just realized that I'm really sleeping in jeans?! Aw nah.

I got off my bed then walk up to my closet- fuck and I'm really trying to sleep with the lights on too? Fucking shit what am I on? I feel stupid.

I slip out of the jeans and shirt I wore for today. I slip into new undergarments leaving the bra, then I on my comfy baggy hoodie to sleep in. I feel comfy however this doesn't fix by how hot is it in my room. I walk up to my window and open the curtains. I pull the curtains apart revealing a nice forest, I get to have a nice view of the backyard. There's nice pine trees on the yard then the grass fades by getting covered by more palm trees. I slightly open my window then I cover the greenery view by pulling my two curtains back together.

A few minutes passes then my room finally feels cool enough I love to sleep through. I walk up to my comfy bed, while wearing comfy clothes-barely but still, while the temperature in my room just feels so perfect. So nice to sleep through. Plus tonight is Friday so I get to sleep in.

I lay on my comfy soft bed then I snuggle with the teddy bear under my warm blanket. I hold the stuffed animal tightly and close to my warm body. Now I feel sleepy as fuck and so relaxed. My eyelids begin to get heavy then my orbs suddenly gets covered as my eyelids close together.

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