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Toby's POV:
I wake up feeling a lot better and less tired. I look at the clock on my nightstand... 4:03 p.m

Okay time to get ready- Oh my fuck I really just slept in these bloody clothes... I groan then take off my bloody dried clothes. I want this guy's diabetic blood off of me NOW. Anyways I put on comfy clothes then put my dirty clothes in the wash. I had to walk pass by Hoodie watching TV to get to the laundry room.

"The giant horse cock weighs over 11 pounds-"

What the fuck did I just overheard what he's watching? Whatever, at least it's interesting so it must be entertaining. I walk back to my bedroom and picked out the clothes I'm going to wear for today.

Time Skip to the Mall

It's 5:10 p.m and I just got to the mall and my eyes look around. There's so many people in here and hoping to God I bump into her- I know I don't believe in that, but I'm just hoping I see her and bump into on purpose. Honestly guys I didn't plan how to start a conversation with her... Plus I have a shitty social life what if she thinks I'm weird-

"Oh shit!" I see her spill her drink onto my sweater when I bump into her. "I-I am so sorry Nsir! Fuck" She looks at me with her eyes a bit widened.

"Que paso Y/N- Oh shit..." Luis sees the situation. He just stood there looking at Y/N seeing what she'll do.

"L-look I umm... I can buy you a new sweater-" Her stammering words fell out of her lips.

Fuck I don't want her to buy me things. "Ah no you don't have to it's oka-"

"N-no it's okay, what brand do- at this point just lead the way" She sighs. I mean I'm wearing a white sweater and she just spilled a red colored drink onto me.

I unzip my sweater and trying to tell her it's okay. Okay I want her to bump into me or I bump into her not spilling something onto me and she buys me something new for forgiveness.

"Sir where do you wanna buy your new sweater?"


Half and Hour

Surprisingly her and I got along together. We talked, we laughed together, and we even exchanged phone numbers.

"Ah, I didn't get your name dude" Y/N chuckles while she looks up at me.

"M-my name i-is Toby" I smile at her softly. Not going to lie, at first she had a filter on however it soon faded when I say something out of the pocket. Then her filter is gone immediately. I like this girl. She hasn't made a comment about my Tourette's nor my stuttering.

"Dude we gotta hang out sometime" Y/N smiles at me.

"Y-yeah w-we gotta" I smile. I feel so... happy. I know Slenderman will punish me, will disapprove of me, also I'm a murder... But that doesn't mean I can't be friends with someone who I wanna be friends with... right?

"Alright see ya!" Y/N smiles then she walks and disappears into a sea of people inside of a Spencer's store. She isn't approachable, she's awkward at first. However she's honest and funny. I love how she says anything she with no filter. The fact that she's easy to get along with and I feel impressed of myself getting to make a friend that easy. Like I have a pretty shitty social life. I was homeschooled, I isolated myself, and my only friend was my sister...

I get back home just thinking about the conversations I just had with Y/N. She's so funny and I just love how she has no filter, how nice she is and she hasn't reacted to my tics nor my stuttering.

I can't stop rethinking about- Okay so we were browsing in this store that's called Buckle? I think that's what it's called. Her and I don't look like we shop there. I was wearing baggy pants and a new grey sweater that has some cool design on it that Y/N just bought me. Her and I were walking in the store while some people with this cowboy/ cowgirl style glancing at us surprisingly.

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