Overstimulated Then Wowzers

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(Another short Chapter idfk)

"Come on Y/N... please suck it harder...!" A whimper and a moan falls off my thin lips. My hips begin to buck up and down making my dick slide in and out in her mouth. The way how her warm pink tongue swirls around the head of my cock gave goosebumps through my spine and from my arms to my hands. My hand gently grasps onto her soft hair.

"Oh fuck... I'm so...so fucking close" I breathe out then I look down to her shiny teary eyes. Her beautiful eyes. The way how her teary eyes ruin her mascara is something I find... I don't know... I just love the way how her eyes gets all shiny and teary making her eye makeup get ruined by pleasing me.


Fuck... it's Bryan... I turn off the shower then I dry myself up with a towel. I was day dreaming an explicit scenario about her. Ever since Y/N made that explicit joke my thoughts about having intimacy with her has gotten even more explicit. Sure they were already intimate before she made that joke. There were mainly scenarios of me and her laying in bed making out together or giving each other hickies.

My favorite scenario is her fulfilling my fantasies. I always wanted to cuff her up making her helpless and couldn't do anything but receive my love by just leaving kiss marks and telling her how much she means to me then playfully bite her neck just for giggles. But sadly I don't think I can do all of those things with Y/N. Amara is literally making her forget about me. But I can't let that happen. I need to make a day of Y/N and I. Sure her and I had flirted before but I think she's taking it as a joke. But I don't care, I'mma take advantage of that to flirt with her. Just some light flirts.



I yell at Bryan as I dry my body and my brunette hair making it damp instead of being soaked. I put on my black sweats on then a random shirt I found in my closet. I walk out of the bathroom seeing Bryan looking at me all pissy for making him hold his caca. I can't help but smile then let a laugh escape from my mouth. Bryan immediately gets in the bathroom while I was still laughing my ass off.

I can finish my imagination at my bedroom. So I walk to my bedroom, lock the door, dim down the lights then finally went onto my bed. I unbuckle my belt before I pull down my pants then my boxers revealing my... yeah I got turned on by imagining Y/N giving me a blowjob. Some part of me felt pretty ashamed of having these thoughts about my best friend but... damn I can't control it. Then I put a blanket over my body then my hand slowly slides under the sheets before gently stroking my intimate body part. My breathe hitches then suddenly I get a notification from my phone. I groan in annoyance then I grab my phone with my other hand. It's a notification from Y/N... I see she send me a video of herself.

"Yo Tobes, I got something to spill towards ya! Also can I come over tomorrow?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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